

Last Online - Tuesday 22nd of March 2016
Display Name Raylaad
Member Since Jun 27, 2014
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 470-435


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9-17-2014 11:37 am EST
I don't blame ya bro, you tapped me out already I was just wanting a rematch more than a title shot. Good Luck
Movement MMA
9-7-2014 7:00 am EST
It's running under a new format. Go to the forums and take a look at the new thread. If you still think you can't do it then it's ok man but it shouldn't be too bad. You just need to fight your guys once every few resets for abit
Movement MMA
8-21-2014 11:07 am EST
It's ok mate you can either fight him as much as you need to get him to lotc, but I would suggest maybe just recruiting another mw. It's your call, your current guy is a very good weight, but his stats don't really group. It would be hard to pick a good style for him but you could build him up. Fight as much as you need til you have 1 pop, or recruit a new mw. No rush on it we won't be starting for awhile
Movement MMA
8-21-2014 5:40 am EST
* sorry i meant lightweight, middleweight and heavyweight
Movement MMA
8-21-2014 5:39 am EST
Lightweight, middleweight and welterweight mate. However if you have a welterweight or a light heavyweight let me know and you could use him if he can cut the weight. we dont needa test the weight right now but yeah lw, mw , hw
Movement MMA
8-20-2014 4:32 am EST
Chief just approved your account. you're good to go amigo
Movement MMA
8-20-2014 4:27 am EST
haha the approval doesnt matter. once it says that just hit log in and enter the details you registered with and you're set :)
Movement MMA
8-20-2014 2:36 am EST
*1000 wins
Movement MMA
8-20-2014 2:35 am EST
Nice one mate. My name on the forums is ryzomack. Here's a link to the tournament when you are ready to check it out http://www.mmarmy.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=379688&page=1 It's for camps that's have less than 1000 , but you're already doing better than mist for the stage you are at Cheers
8-19-2014 7:51 pm EST
Poor hiddens perhaps. Big weight cutters are great but are hit or miss like all others. If they hold up hopefully your build is strong too and he'll succeed.
Movement MMA
8-19-2014 2:18 pm EST
Hey bro you should join the forums. I'm gonna be running a forum based tournament soon for new camps and I thought you might be interested
Joao Rua
Evolve MMA
8-18-2014 7:10 am EST
Thanks, man - I appreciate that. Your fighters are disgustingly strong. I think your guys have probably won about 80% of the fights between us lol. It's crazy how good you are for it being such a new camp. Seriously impressive.
7-29-2014 7:23 am EST
No worries bro.Turbo