
Black Legion Fury

Last Online - Sunday 7th of February 2016
Display Name Croatsouljah
Member Since May 6, 2015
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 1453-1205


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12-21-2015 6:41 pm EST
yeah i never found you could you shoot me a pm when you get on im Ro
12-20-2015 4:44 pm EST
i pmed you on the forums
12-19-2015 7:45 am EST
You should consider joining an allience , group of guys sharing info. Alliance events metals prizes and special recruit give a ways. You are missing out on slot of the game by not being active on the forums
Thrash Team
10-22-2015 11:24 pm EST
I can see your a fairly new member looks like you have a good grasp, well there's always alliances on the forums which have a bunch of beneficial information if your interested, catch ya around keep up the good work
Thrash Team
10-20-2015 5:20 am EST
Yo nice fights with you man you in the forums?
9-7-2015 5:26 pm EST
You got me back on that last one! Congrats, man.
7-24-2015 6:15 am EST
Mate we need you to get a lw in TUF
7-15-2015 7:47 am EST
Novak vs kaewsamrit
6-21-2015 12:18 pm EST
Hey, can you stop by the Alliance forum today? Thanks.
5-31-2015 4:23 pm EST
Join Tokyo Rowdy alliance in the forum. Pm me your forum name. We are the only alliance with places
5-7-2015 3:53 pm EST
He sold it around a year and three months ago...I am sure that you have noticed all of the cool additions...
5-6-2015 7:42 pm EST
A lot has changed with the game, specifically a new owner...Chiefbd loves the game and is committed to improving it in every way
5-6-2015 7:26 pm EST
Welcome to the game! I denied your fight because my guy Araripe is a trainer...he is signed so that players can check their fighters weight cutting ability Join the forums to have more fun and learn more about the game...if you do then feel free to do m me any questions