
Pandas Gym

Last Online - Sunday 8th of March 2009
Display Name Caruzio Cipriani Nuzo
Member Since Jun 25, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 1477-1213


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12-3-2008 4:31 pm EST
thanks man
10-27-2008 6:51 am EST
you rematch vs frye popham
Sthlm Fighters
9-23-2008 2:43 pm EST
"how many stars did this guy had on Muay Thai when you pulled him out the academy?" Probely 1½ - 2 stars...
Hawaiian Pride
Tap Out Or Nap Out
9-22-2008 10:18 am EST
PL is one of the easiest to train.all is needed is sambo and strength.watch out for FF tho.
Shannon Stock
Beast FC
9-7-2008 11:16 am EST
You will need to spar with someone who is good at JJ. The equipment only helps if you have a good sparring partner.
8-21-2008 7:33 am EST
Sorry I took so long answering your question, didn't see it until now. Fighters will retire here usually not because of fighting too much but just fighting too long. Sometimes if you don't fight them enough they can also retire early. I'm not 100 percent on if this is how it works but I found if you spar a guy too long without fighting, especially early in their career they end up leaving early.
UK Sensation
The Sensational
8-9-2008 5:10 am EST
haha got to love the fact you have a bunch of "gracies" no wonder your 225-136 :-p
pat smithers
7-19-2008 5:28 pm EST
nice record man it is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
Eddie Kone
6-27-2008 7:59 am EST
panda boy, put a blue belt on