
Lacie catjitsu

Last Online - Saturday 11th of June 2011
Display Name James Lacie
Member Since Sep 9, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 280-210


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5-27-2011 12:50 am EST
Seems like you broke it big time lol - its still vacant! Hahaa never mind mate, shit happens.
5-13-2009 1:54 pm EST
PL uses Sambo, strength, wrestling, and balance(?). JJ may help too.
5-13-2009 1:53 pm EST
Scan your opponent's record before fighting. Take note of the style he has used vs PL in the past. If he has used FF, SftF, or PG, you can bet that is what he is going to use on you. Do you go in the forums? If you do, I go by Smacku there. If you have any more questions PM me there...good luck!
5-13-2009 1:48 pm EST
Pick your own fights. Don't wait for people to challenge you. Seek out the styles that you have a high % of winning. Like GnP for instance, or other PL fighters. The visible stats aren't everything, don't be afraid to test you fighters vs guys with better stats.
5-13-2009 1:44 pm EST
Dedicate at least 2 of your fighters to your secondary style. Meaning, have at least 2 SiO fighters or 2 PG fighters to help with training your studs for their secondary. Use fighters that are underweight or have crappy hidden stats for your trainers.
5-13-2009 1:40 pm EST
SiO uses wrestling, strength, Judo, and balance(?). PG uses JJ, flex, strength, and wrestling.
5-13-2009 1:38 pm EST
SiO and PG are are good counters to PL's weaknesses. SiO is very effective vs FF, and marginally effective vs SftF. PG is extremely effective vs FF and very effective vs SftF.
5-13-2009 1:34 pm EST
You have a very good understanding of PL! You should start developing a secondary style for your PL fighters. PL are week vs FF, SftF, and are at a slight disadvantage vs PG.
5-6-2009 8:25 pm EST
nice camp name!
4-28-2009 4:10 pm EST
thanks for the tip, i appreciate it