
Team Franklin

Last Online - Monday 31st of August 2009
Display Name Richard Franklin
Member Since Oct 1, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 1359-472


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KP Keough
Beast Mode
4-4-2010 11:25 pm EST
P4P #1 ducker.
7-7-2009 5:31 pm EST
It has been awhile bro! When you gonna get that EFC strap?
peter charles garcia
team kilhefner
7-3-2009 7:27 pm EST
this is not rich franklin is it be cause if so u should fight lyoto machida again because u have skill but work on the mauy thai i own a muay thai gym so if u want to come ufc champion u cant just work on your boxing write back cause i am a mma fighter to and i would to talk dan keefe is my name search it on sherdog
Vince Lynch
6-25-2009 3:09 am EST
Haha snowbird.. How's it been man? www.mmatycoon.com/registration.php?Ref=4744 idk if you ever saw it? That's basically where I've been at lol
6-2-2009 8:15 am EST
Holy crap! Where the hell have you been??? lol
5-28-2009 11:25 am EST
Great overall record.
Da Badasses
5-25-2009 10:59 am EST
U suck Dick
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
5-24-2009 5:19 pm EST
1,000 wins
grim reapers
5-4-2009 11:23 am EST
rich franklin is this u ? if so comment me peace
grim reapers
4-30-2009 5:52 pm EST
is this rich franklin cause i wana ask u questions if ur really him ???
Kadetska bojna
4-5-2009 6:52 am EST
thanks Ace,yours isn't bad either.
Vince Lynch
3-29-2009 8:14 pm EST
not much man, haven't been active at all for months. Thinkin bout gettin back into if I have some time.
2-24-2009 4:14 am EST
Thanks buddy
grim reapers
2-13-2009 8:16 am EST
anderson whooped him and showed that he sucks and is realllyyyy slow
2-6-2009 3:53 pm EST
How you doing buddy? Still running up the win counter I see.
charles bennet mma studio
americas top team 2
1-17-2009 8:45 am EST
is this rich franklin
1-16-2009 6:58 pm EST
omg yes! its too annoying, i bet hes just like some nerd that sits on his computer and is a loner as faggot
1-16-2009 2:38 am EST
Rich franklin sucks dick! Why you never give your guys a challenge? You only fight syyles you'll surely beat......i call that a ducker! wtf! that dude is a retard! its called strategy man hes so retarded first he goes mental on me now you? hes a fuckin dick man
grim reapers
1-9-2009 8:52 am EST
dont start
1-8-2009 4:14 am EST
ah all good man. i don't know why he thinks I'm feeding aye he just went mental because i was trying to challenge him but he kept on denying and randomly went mental must be a newfag
1-6-2009 6:30 pm EST
man good fight with sergio barrio and will legit hayden but you pwned my dude. rematch?
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
1-3-2009 4:14 pm EST
Jon Jach wins the LD Net MW title- 1/3/09
Vince Lynch
1-3-2009 3:54 pm EST
He retired after the title fight. Kinda ironic... lol
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
1-2-2009 11:37 pm EST
Will Hayden wins the Sao Heros WW title- 1/2/09
1-1-2009 5:44 pm EST
I'm in TLCS
1-1-2009 6:10 am EST
Happy New Year!!! Great camp. You are one hell of a coach.
12-31-2008 8:07 am EST
Nice!!! Way to represent DBA!!!
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
12-30-2008 10:48 pm EST
Buzz Barnes wins the UFL LHW title.. Jon Jach wins the Cages MW title.. Nico Ortiz wins the LOTC MW title.. 12/30/08
12-29-2008 4:22 pm EST
Sign up here buddy! http://www.mmarmy.com/forum2/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=75709#Post75709
12-29-2008 3:28 pm EST
Come to the forums and join the Drunken Bums Alliance bro.
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
12-26-2008 10:58 pm EST
the captain Buddy McDonald retires - 12/27/08
12-25-2008 10:11 am EST
Ah well, he was my boy... Welcome to the game dude. Let me know if you need a hand with anything.
12-25-2008 9:36 am EST
Dude is that you???
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
12-22-2008 4:38 pm EST
Buddy McDonald wins the WVA HW title - 12/22/08
Vince Lynch
12-21-2008 3:25 pm EST
Hahaha... gotta warn em. Computer people like to bitch and whine about simple shit.
The Godfather
859 Academy
12-20-2008 3:23 pm EST
thanks, a bit of a rebuilding mode right now... Phreak seems to think you're Decomm, welcome back if you are, but if not then welcome to the game. Are you signed onto the forums? My sn is the godfather if you sign up.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
12-18-2008 9:46 pm EST
welcome back decomm
Davey Bane
CF Warriors
12-17-2008 10:15 pm EST
You have to fight with honour and pride. I do. I know quite a few guys that do but some don't. Thanks for the compliment.
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
12-17-2008 7:03 pm EST
Tomasito Guzman wins the Delirium LW title - 12/17/08
12-15-2008 1:29 am EST
It doesn't work in lower orgs. Since MMA implemented the org structure. If your fighter pop gets to the org max and his contract is up, he out even with auto renew.
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
12-10-2008 5:45 pm EST
Marcus Peterson wins the Logo HW title - 12/10/08
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
12-10-2008 9:54 am EST
Tomasito Guzman wins the Strikefest LW title - 12/10/08
12-5-2008 1:18 pm EST
Cool. See ya around there then.
12-5-2008 12:42 pm EST
Thanks. You post in the forums?
Danny Raz
Danz Fight Camp
11-29-2008 1:46 pm EST
how us he tough...Im new to this site and this guys stats are atrocious
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
11-25-2008 8:15 pm EST
Bradley Morgan wins the Logo Middleweight title - 11/25/08
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
11-20-2008 10:14 pm EST
congrats to Buddy McDonald on winning Team Franklins 1st title - 11/21/08