this is not rich franklin is it be cause if so u should fight lyoto machida again because u have skill but work on the mauy thai i own a muay thai gym so if u want to come ufc champion u cant just work on your boxing write back cause i am a mma fighter to and i would to talk dan keefe is my name search it on sherdog
Rich franklin sucks dick! Why you never give your guys a challenge? You only fight syyles you'll surely beat......i call that a ducker!
wtf! that dude is a retard! its called strategy man hes so retarded first he goes mental on me now you? hes a fuckin dick man
ah all good man. i don't know why he thinks I'm feeding aye he just went mental because i was trying to challenge him but he kept on denying and randomly went mental must be a newfag
thanks, a bit of a rebuilding mode right now... Phreak seems to think you're Decomm, welcome back if you are, but if not then welcome to the game. Are you signed onto the forums? My sn is the godfather if you sign up.
It doesn't work in lower orgs. Since MMA implemented the org structure. If your fighter pop gets to the org max and his contract is up, he out even with auto renew.
Beast Mode