
Steel Warriors

Last Online - Tuesday 23rd of February 2016
Display Name Bazzie
Member Since Nov 17, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 4017-3733


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12-30-2015 4:24 pm EST
Only way I'm not accepting a fight is if I've accepted another lol
Welsh Warriors
3-4-2011 6:42 am EST
Good luck to you too, I won the vacant title anyway but im sure we will meet again for the rubber match.
Randy Gracie
Sapo B rasil
1-2-2011 7:05 am EST
Yes, good fights.didn't notice I fought your camp twice.-SeXXXecutioner
12-16-2010 5:02 am EST
i soo should of won that haha allgoods. good fight man, peace.
12-16-2010 4:49 am EST
yoyoyo accept my challenge - gil gagnon
11-11-2010 5:34 pm EST
If you are interested you need to get on the forums and PM me. I'm MadGenius on the forums. If you do that then I can show the rest of the alliance your camp and they will take a look at it and see what they think. We do not care about record we only care that you do nt style duck and play the game the right way. It is more fun when in a alliance. Get on the forums and hit me up in the with a private message so I can start the recruitment process.
11-9-2010 6:08 pm EST
Still wondering if interested in alliance information?
Eleven Lounge
10-28-2010 12:05 am EST
u owe me a few fights
10-19-2010 2:45 pm EST
There are special competitions that only alliances can enter. Grand Slam tournaments etc.. Plus you will get to know who runs what camps and there personalities. If you look at the top of the information bar there is a forums section. Lots of info. Plus you can private message someone from there. Sign up and send me a Message. I'm MadGenius in the forums. TLCS (my avatar) is the alliance I roll with, I'm sure you have seen that avatar on your fighters home pages. Get ahold of me
10-15-2010 3:20 pm EST
Yo are you on the forums yet? Might want to check out the forums, there are cool things called alliances that opens up more gaming oppurtunities. I'm part of a pretty good one and I know you like to fight my camps, might b something to look into
Big Losers
9-24-2010 11:00 am EST
you have to train dirty boxing for the FALCON PUNCH to work
Jackal den
3-15-2010 9:39 pm EST
you should have won that one
Sadaharu Oh Dojo
3-10-2010 10:56 pm EST
you ever check out the forums?
camden white
cam cam fighters
12-13-2008 4:29 am EST
hey you suck
camden white
cam cam fighters
11-26-2008 6:49 am EST
i didnt even know we had a message board!!!!!