"Title Eiiquette" is a bunch of bullshit non-written rules created by an "Eliteist" group to help control the title belts. Personally, "Champion's Choice"... period!
It doesn't matter how many belts a fighter has won in other orgs. He needs to be coming off of a win in the org. that he is challenging in. Not my rules... it seems be be title etiquette or some shit like that. IF... I did miss the fact that you had a win within the org. I apologize for missing that fact. Good luck with the game. Hope to see you around in the cage again real soon.
dang this snaps and taps really wants a shot how bout that dude fights ruy santiago last guy he fought and if he wins give him a shot so he can stop i can see he buggin alot!! haqhaha just a game huh haha
So I guess this reset Ill just beat up the fighter you challenged me with since you're scared the champs belt is getting taken....you fight about once every 3 resets when you're the champ you're supposed to defend every reset
dude you're a whiny fuckin bitch everyone that i've beat regardless of their record was above me you'll get booted soon and ill get my shot that way you pussy...