Made a post then had a long argument today, working on the unbanning thing. Pretty much argued the same things youre saying. Working on private forum, will let you know when ready and we can discuss further and figure out next steps.
Hey there, I noticed that we've fought alot and you have usually won. I wanted to ask if I could ask you some questions over how the game has changed, I'm a player from 08' who left sometime in 2012 and just returned. As you can tell from my record I have yet to understand how the game has changed. Any information you could give me would be appreciated if your interested.
Yeah, I wish we just had one criteria set for defending. I just hate to completely eliminate a guy if he only missed one reset. I get the people that disqualify. I lean toward penalize but don't disqualify.
Chill the fuck out bro. He still had 2 wins to your one and had only missed 1 reset. Had you had the same # of wins I would have given it to you but you didn't. Even if I didn't give it to him there were 2 other guys with 2 fight streaks. Quit acting like I jilted you, you didn't deserve the shot and you didn't get it.
Really desperate for a win are you since you are at the top of the table and you're challenging my 0-1 guy? But it's fine, I'll oblige as I know you'll do the same for me when I send my best grapplers after what champ you might have at the time. :)
Yeah that's my side chick lol, the same goes for you man, top camp. Feel free to send challenges to that camp as well. It's boxing based so the CS guys might give you a bit of trouble.
My girlfriend is always sleeping by midnight uk time and i'm up watching tv so i'm always about.
Catch you later man.
Whats good man! Just swinging by to say hello.
I started writing that and realised i look sound like one of the diddlers from dateline upon been rumbled.
Keep sending the challenges anyways bro, always a pleasure fighting your boys.
It is hard for newer players to learn the game but that's why there's a forum. I started my first camp in 2009 and didn't ever go into the forum until 2011 lol. So I get what you're saying. Just creating a forum account seemed like more of a commitment then I wanted it to be lol, but it helps a lot. The challenge pool sounds like a really cool idea actually. Truth is I received a bad challenge from you and came up with some random joke I found to be clever. We both kinds took it too far haha
You're right, a lot of people do crush to some degree. This definitively went further than I wanted/expected it to go. I apologize for calling you a retard as well, that was uncalled for. I know it's just a browser game but I happen to enjoy it a lot and would like to see it make strides and improve even more. This game is very very time consuming to be successful so yes, some take it more seriously than others and I understand that also. I get worked up sometimes, as you can tell :)
This game is 60% trolling 40% playing a game. If you can't handle a simple play on words like your challenges don't reflect your camp name then that's on you. You chose to get pissy, and tried to slander me. All you had to was make a joke back or ignore it. Like right now, your best bet is to ignore me and let it go cause I'll embarrass you in a "chirp" battle. In all seriousness, if this game is dying, it's because of retards like you who don't play the game fairly. I like what's best
Lol. You got all your facts wrong. I wished Klok the best because he recently had twins. Obviously I'm not the first person to tell you your challenges suck because you wouldn't act like a child. Learn to take a joke you retard. For first generation with no equipment, you sure have some monster stats though. I can chirp with a smile on my face cause it's all in fun. You got defensive, not me. You have issues. You can ask anyone, it's pretty rare that I complain about shady play.
You seem to be taking it pretty personal though. Funny how you get those stats with no equipment on a camp that's been around since 2008 with almost 4000 fights tho. Lol. I take things as a joke cause it's a game. You're the one spamming my wall. Don't bite off what you can't chew.
Nope, just yours. And I wasn't bitching. Just pointing out your flaw.. When you send shit challenges, you will receive shit challenges.. Game isn't dying at all. It's been picking up a lot the last year or so. Brighter days ahead also. But its good to know that you take it seriously enough not to take an obvious joke like how your challenges don't reflect your camp name. Lol.
LOLOLOL. Thanks for admitting to being a crusher and ducker. Keep sending those challenges bud, I'll just let them sit there.. No problem hahahahaha! Best post ever!
Well, seth has some interesting things on him, good IQ and desire, great weight... plus the fact that any built around MT is solid from my experience. You have tools to bring him to EFC for sure, but make him a champ will harder because of he's getting finished a lot !
Thanks. This is actually my second camp. I'm hoping to dial in MMArtist with this camp, but my first set of recruits are weak. Despite that I'm seeing some promise. My first camp is an Ippon camp called Dreadnoughts, and I've been doing pretty well there.
No he was my trainer until Chief changed camp rankings that don't included non active fighters so I decided to fight him and he's done very well. If you notice he's a 213 LHW which I only fight guys 220+ at LHW.
just lucky! you'll get your monster one day. in the meantime, just be patient and get your equipment and trainers up so you can fuel that monster with good stats!
Exploding Heart Technique