
Samara Top Team

Last Online - Thursday 18th of March 2021
The Nice Guys
Display Name UngratefulDead
Member Since Apr 13, 2010
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 13174-12522


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MMA Jeddah Club
1-14-2021 5:39 am EST
Hey Mate! Please check the forums. I sent you a msg! Thanks.
5-12-2017 12:43 pm EST
efc mw ?
5-12-2017 12:43 pm EST
what up with my challenge my guy has 3 wins no one is even close with 1 win ??
3-22-2017 7:42 pm EST
When i gave the shot out he wasnt in the top 10 and there was 2 guys with a 2 fight streak but they also fought that why it went to a guy with a one fight win streak hopefully your guy cracks the top 10 again and we can settle it !!!!
3-22-2017 5:21 pm EST
who was your bw ??? i didnt see anyone with a 4 streak in the top 10 or the shot would have been yours
Chris Hansen
God Wills It
6-4-2016 12:07 pm EST
new alliance event, please check the forum