Hi mate only just returned from holidays, we are currently recruiting coaches for our alliance and wondered if you want in? Only thing we ask is for you to post on our sub forum on a regular basis. Register to the forum and PM me, b33rm0n5t3r, and will sort it out from there. Cheers
Also are you in an alliance? If not we are recruiting at the moment for "Wanted Dead or Alive" brings a new element to the game, I run all the in house competitions, let me know if your interested and will give you a bit more info. Cheers
Hey dude are you on the forums? We are trying to bring more coachs to the forums in hopes of retaining the newer guys. Hit me on on my wall to let me know if you are interested or via PM there. I am grapple420.
thanks for the shot, but i went to recieve it and it said that " this fighter has already fought in the last reset" so i had to deny it. give it another try?