
Mooch Hunter MMA

Last Online - Thursday 19th of January 2012
Display Name GOML
Member Since Dec 19, 2011
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 13-23


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Maxim Serebriakov
Russian Pankration Center
12-20-2011 10:24 am EST
ok then)cose i defended title last time they moved me in pancrash cose i too strong for AOC)
Maxim Serebriakov
Russian Pankration Center
12-20-2011 8:04 am EST
i challenge your guy Ray for title as i promised)accept then)
Welsh Warriors
12-20-2011 12:00 am EST
The guy who has been messaging you below is in my alliance (WDoA) so as i said just give us a shout if you need any help as we know its hard to get started.