
DMX Squad Roster

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Active Roster
Rodrigo "Bring The Pain" Vargas 264lbs#206 (37-29)
Yves "Bring The Pain" Edwards 261lbs#926 (22-18)
Axl "Oh Yeah" Perry 227lbs#1003 (25-22)
Caleb "The Hammer" Perry 209lbs#1129 (33-32)
Al "The Darkside" Biek 173lbs#1253 (24-17)
Colt Powell 167lbs#1603 (8-18)
Gabe "The Heat" Collins 234lbs#1957 (29-27)
Fritz "What" Russell 222lbs#2598 (24-26)
Harry "Deman" Barnes 194lbs#2765 (24-26)
Arthur "The Natural" Hart 146lbs#3729 (18-19)
Sam "You Know" Wright 167lbs#4766 (26-25)
Dylan "The PittBull" Davis 194lbs#5173 (6-7)
Jean Hamilton 263lbs#5849 (13-14)
Masato Koga 252lbs#6282 (3-12)
Tyrone "The Hitman" Rowly 190lbs#6537 (2-7)
Billy "The Bully" Biek 255lbs#7420 (0-4)
Javito "Longhorn" Gonzalez 180lbs#7635 (7-11)
Brook Hayden 164lbs#8319 (1-8)
Billy Rowly 211lbs#8448 (4-7)
Nobu Yoshizaki 213lbs#8684 (1-0)
Jay "The Darkside" Cooper 184lbs#8893 (0-2)
Ernest "The King" Lewis 179lbs#9672 (8-8)
Tim "Pain" James 198lbs#9778 (1-4)
Todd "Lumberjack " Thomas 170lbs#9846 (1-2)
JC "The Hitman" Evans 224lbs#9942 (1-7)
Pili Rivera 150lbs#9995 (5-12)
Rocky Harris 186lbs#10017 (1-4)
Ray Hart 170lbs#10280 (3-8)
Andrew "Spida" White 199lbs#10349 (2-4)
Mac Bryant 152lbs#10752 (0-1)
Vincent 63 183lbs#10812 (0-3)
Salva Fernandez 188lbs#10824 (0-4)
John Stewart 147lbs#10903 (0-5)
Adam Jach 210lbs#11167 (0-5)
Al Brown 171lbs#11219 (0-7)
Marvin Powell 272lbs#11399 (1-5)
Lenny Twitty 183lbs#11916 (7-12)
Arthur "The Prodigy " Murphy 181lbs#12443 (1-4)
Adam "Nightmare" Jodoin 182lbs#12557 (6-14)
Atlas "Road Map" Lee 149lbs#12906 (0-2)
Lincoln Powell 145lbs#13625 (5-8)