
Tenri Roster

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Active Roster
Mick Ward 208lbs#2 (48-33)
Shawn "Too Boku" Grenier 209lbs#10 (56-42)
JC "Black Nemesis" Phillips 198lbs#19 (58-38)
Red Allen 183lbs#20 (31-21)
Raymond Wright 280lbs#24 (72-46)
Reggie Coleman 230lbs#33 (40-27)
Buzz Cherry 190lbs#34 (28-16)
Bob "BeltMan" Torres 170lbs#35 (39-25)
Sam Allen 186lbs#36 (41-27)
Barry Brown 228lbs#36 (30-16)
Corey Jackson 203lbs#37 (36-22)
Vincent "Boom Boom" Baker 266lbs#44 (48-33)
Sammy McDonald 252lbs#47 (26-20)
Butch "flex" Griffin 263lbs#48 (29-20)
Katsuro Mifune 272lbs#56 (56-36)
Max Lee 194lbs#56 (31-24)
Gene "Slumpbuster" Bailey 173lbs#62 (57-51)
Tyler "brawl" Hamilton 208lbs#66 (25-17)
Cory "The CornHusk" Torres 278lbs#69 (34-17)
Lincoln Cherry 271lbs#70 (51-40)
Cali Delgado 275lbs#72 (31-22)
Clive "The Poacher" Lewis 213lbs#84 (47-36)
Del Johnson 182lbs#85 (34-28)
Gabo Ramos 157lbs#86 (25-19)
Greg Roberts 172lbs#87 (25-13)
Randy "JJ" Miller 258lbs#101 (32-20)
Sisco "Kid Ram" Ramirez 232lbs#108 (34-28)
Jim "Babylon" Colon 212lbs#110 (34-22)
Elijah Wilson 192lbs#110 (31-25)
Alfonso "Dirty Pants" Castro 179lbs#115 (32-27)
Robert "Hawaiin Tropic" Savard 280lbs#115 (30-19)
Edu Ortiz 200lbs#119 (24-19)
Maurice Kelly 197lbs#124 (42-40)
Carl "likes em tight and" White 268lbs#129 (48-37)
Norman "FW RX" Wilson 213lbs#131 (10-4)
Ed "Manchester Mangler" Anderson 153lbs#132 (50-43)
Frye "Fear the Stache" Martin 218lbs#135 (47-29)
Elijah Spencer 267lbs#136 (37-27)
Sergio Mendez 174lbs#139 (41-29)
Ian Henderson 212lbs#141 (32-26)
Sean "of the dead" Fournier 192lbs#146 (23-11)
Kazuo Yoshihara 168lbs#154 (32-23)
Andre Cunha 151lbs#160 (16-7)
Rudy "FX " Elkins 181lbs#170 (34-27)
Daniel King 188lbs#172 (35-32)
Katsuo "Yogi" Takishita 175lbs#178 (28-25)
Fernando Go 276lbs#185 (23-17)
Ty "Terrorsaurus" Griffin 157lbs#186 (42-38)
Goro Igarashi 223lbs#186 (24-19)
Marcelo "Chondrichthyes" Ramos 266lbs#189 (16-8)
Cody "Sambo" Nash 194lbs#189 (32-25)
Poncho "Strength Coach" Romero 272lbs#219 (47-42)
Bull "Duppy Conqueror" McDonald 178lbs#221 (36-31)
RJ Moore 162lbs#221 (25-20)
Hans "The Hitman" Lange 159lbs#236 (42-27)
Robert "RealAmericanHero" James 180lbs#242 (53-42)
Katashi "Gin and Juice" Kogo 189lbs#243 (38-30)
Guy Taylor 195lbs#243 (31-29)
Arnel "The Drunken Hunter" Navarette 204lbs#246 (28-24)
Kerry Lundy 162lbs#257 (24-21)
Yves "French Toast" Meunier 277lbs#266 (30-25)
Bif Davis 207lbs#268 (46-48)
Milo "The Aardvark" Baker 165lbs#275 (34-28)
Isamu Gensai 276lbs#283 (28-21)
Milo Rowly 173lbs#286 (26-23)
Drake Robinson 273lbs#289 (18-10)
Jamal "Ole Squinty" Bennett 211lbs#298 (23-17)
Sasha "wrestbrawl" McConomy 212lbs#299 (27-17)
Kit Jenkins 271lbs#302 (35-28)
Ed "Dead Head" Henderson 162lbs#304 (38-34)
Ronnie "Woo Woo" Walker 190lbs#307 (52-43)
Homer Bailey 180lbs#310 (38-34)
Rob Gray 201lbs#311 (34-29)
Cesar Verga 250lbs#325 (29-26)
Bif Blais 184lbs#327 (25-19)
Checo "Ron" Rivera 184lbs#332 (34-32)
Rick "Superfreak" James 264lbs#339 (32-24)
Alejandro "BushWacker" Huerta 181lbs#363 (30-21)
Kit "Kat" Bryant 201lbs#375 (40-33)
Andrei "Eastern Resistence" Vasilyev 256lbs#387 (38-30)
Katsu Santo 277lbs#387 (28-21)
Richard Harris 210lbs#392 (24-24)
Alan "Chocolate Thunder " Patterson 210lbs#399 (41-33)
Harold "GR" Hughes 175lbs#404 (13-14)
Jones "Smooth" Jenkins 264lbs#408 (21-19)
Roy Albright 206lbs#416 (21-17)
Jim "The Manswer" Murphy 225lbs#420 (35-28)
Cade Watson 218lbs#425 (27-23)
John Rowly 215lbs#443 (21-18)
Vergil "The List" Schindler 178lbs#446 (27-19)
Mauricio Gimenez 203lbs#449 (38-28)
Andrew "SeVen of 9" Ryan 271lbs#452 (29-17)
Tyson "JJ" Lundy 167lbs#458 (18-18)
Shannon "Two Face" Lundy 201lbs#461 (44-35)
Cassidy "Flex" Rowly 190lbs#466 (20-14)
Kyo Kusonoki 178lbs#468 (11-10)
Georges Bruneau 274lbs#482 (28-23)
Angus Clark 174lbs#493 (32-28)
Jean Collins 184lbs#495 (19-20)
James "Horned Toad" Jackson 270lbs#501 (30-18)
Gutter White 271lbs#516 (22-19)
James "LW Supremo" Evans 167lbs#525 (46-38)
Makoto Nakasone 187lbs#539 (25-22)
Hawk "Eye" Ryan 187lbs#543 (33-29)
Kenshin "The Gavel" Hirose 208lbs#548 (35-24)
Doug Rowly 171lbs#548 (39-38)
Steve "Judo" Jones 213lbs#586 (30-24)
Wanderlai Almeida 187lbs#588 (27-28)
Shelton "StrWrest" Lewis 155lbs#591 (21-16)
Slater Spencer 218lbs#593 (25-30)
Minori "Mono Mono" Monomonoi 172lbs#595 (37-37)
Drake Morris 180lbs#601 (28-19)
Ken "Not in the Face" Hall 196lbs#602 (37-31)
Eddie Roberts 192lbs#610 (25-23)
Guto "balref" Santoro 170lbs#616 (14-9)
Aaron "Lifebane" Taylor 224lbs#618 (37-30)
Jesu "OldManJiuJitsu" Chavez 277lbs#636 (39-38)
Luke Torres 176lbs#645 (21-15)
Drew "Tone Loc" Torres 194lbs#658 (44-39)
Adrian "TapouT Poser" Baker 195lbs#666 (27-22)
Marvin Stevenson 191lbs#700 (17-21)
Shawn Wright 209lbs#701 (17-19)
Dennis "The Colonel" Sanders 214lbs#708 (39-29)
Robbie "Hadaka Jime" Wilson 275lbs#712 (26-22)
Doc "Hollywood" Fortin 182lbs#717 (35-23)
Consuelo Aguilar 188lbs#751 (32-27)
Anacleto "future sambo trainer" Rios 274lbs#770 (29-31)
Paul Bell 191lbs#780 (9-7)
Arata Hida 185lbs#787 (19-20)
Chucho "The TRainnn" Delgado 166lbs#811 (40-35)
Leon "Judo" Martin 217lbs#838 (19-16)
Gutter Ouellet 265lbs#849 (31-30)
Marc Boissieu 170lbs#851 (34-38)
Vladya Yefimov 215lbs#853 (43-48)
Yves "flex" Phillips 254lbs#858 (10-5)
Nelson Jach 187lbs#868 (21-20)
Andrew "Bad Intentions" Brooks 199lbs#898 (29-21)
Jason "JJ" Jach 201lbs#985 (41-37)
Relson Montenegro 190lbs#991 (6-3)
Chuck Jenkins 202lbs#1010 (4-1)
Devon Davis 169lbs#1066 (4-4)
Shannon "Tina" Turner 265lbs#1081 (34-33)
Cody Lange 185lbs#1113 (36-30)
Homer "Pw" McConomy 187lbs#1156 (19-16)
Jon Biek 251lbs#1177 (17-17)
JT "likes em wet and" Young 187lbs#1195 (38-35)
Rudy "WR" Hall 188lbs#1196 (17-15)
Lou "Middle Age Beatdown" Torres 236lbs#1254 (25-23)
Bryce Taylor 158lbs#1265 (33-32)
Eugene "Yoga man" Jackson 261lbs#1283 (24-24)
Danny Hughes 222lbs#1289 (22-24)
Ashton "No Pants" Morris 179lbs#1298 (26-23)
Rusty Lee 180lbs#1300 (27-22)
Red "jjjudo" Nash 254lbs#1353 (20-19)
Chris "Shifty" Adams 174lbs#1384 (11-17)
Sammy Baker 255lbs#1388 (20-18)
Andre "BalanceWrest" Fontana 207lbs#1393 (20-16)
Luka Shchedrin 202lbs#1403 (12-13)
Jeremy "brawlwrest" Jones 156lbs#1412 (19-22)
Rocky "Juji gatame" Ross 183lbs#1442 (29-27)
Doug "The Stove" Coleman 149lbs#1450 (36-30)
Gilbert "strength" Hall 209lbs#1485 (5-4)
Len "Kid Presentable" Kelly 269lbs#1536 (30-26)
Parker "grecostr" Lewis 190lbs#1539 (13-9)
Nelson Cook 209lbs#1564 (13-10)
Luther Gray 222lbs#1634 (32-28)
Romulo Gomes 194lbs#1817 (20-18)
Rube "Black Rooster" Williams 154lbs#1845 (44-41)
Fon "Hemmingway" Gutierrez 158lbs#1904 (8-9)
Sasha Johnson 196lbs#1929 (3-3)
Andre Faoro 199lbs#2009 (5-7)
Ian Beaulieu 194lbs#2023 (6-5)
Andy Collins 175lbs#2023 (3-4)
Marty Ward 182lbs#2073 (1-0)
Troy "Trojan Man" James 198lbs#2167 (11-9)
Gabi "jjphysman" Gomez 253lbs#2183 (37-37)
Fabi Alexandrov 209lbs#2217 (1-0)
Tim Collins 223lbs#2262 (6-6)
Benjamin "Wrestling" Davis 191lbs#2322 (22-23)
Nacho Fernandez 195lbs#2372 (1-0)
Jean Stevens 261lbs#2444 (20-19)
Thiago Feijo 157lbs#2472 (3-7)
Brian Phillips 161lbs#2510 (4-4)
Lasar Barros 150lbs#2521 (21-19)
Dick Adams 261lbs#2523 (3-7)
Rip Cook 192lbs#2532 (2-4)
Pat Young 166lbs#2571 (6-6)
Fabio Semler 194lbs#2593 (9-11)
Gerhart "sambo" Lewis 251lbs#2607 (5-7)
Adam Hughes 197lbs#2623 (1-1)
Lance "FireCrotch" Biek 192lbs#2646 (8-12)
Kevin Rogers 176lbs#2663 (11-11)
Nobu Tsurimi 159lbs#2681 (10-11)
Lex Scott 244lbs#2835 (32-31)
Ilya "Lifting Coach" Konstantinov 262lbs#2844 (20-19)
Doc Roberts 187lbs#2895 (1-3)
Anatolii Kharlamov 195lbs#2917 (8-7)
Neil "Mr Brownstone" Rogers 162lbs#3057 (43-47)
Vincent Caron 218lbs#3326 (2-1)
Craig Jackson 267lbs#3363 (9-12)
Darren Collins 179lbs#3466 (8-9)
Christopher "Sambo" Jodoin 272lbs#3579 (24-23)
Keith Ross 251lbs#3783 (1-4)
Gan "Russian Judo Trainer" Carter 174lbs#3882 (10-12)
Bobby "Real Time" Reyes 231lbs#4036 (4-5)
Dirk Ryan 161lbs#4052 (6-7)
Vincent Bennett 223lbs#4133 (1-2)
Cael "Herb" Allen 160lbs#4143 (4-8)
Dory McDonald 161lbs#4210 (6-7)
Charlie Williams 224lbs#4250 (1-2)
Relson Lobo 179lbs#4416 (4-6)
Jack "sambo brawler" Martin 166lbs#4428 (13-15)
Roger Simmons 233lbs#4604 (6-7)
Hector Verga 159lbs#4627 (3-7)
Doc Hall 255lbs#4685 (6-7)
Gabriel Nash 158lbs#4711 (3-4)
Andy Robinson 190lbs#4749 (1-4)
Rick "Fast Cash" Nash 212lbs#4791 (4-8)
Steve Scott 279lbs#4814 (10-11)
Brad "Explodes in Your gfs" Cherry 150lbs#4899 (2-5)
Jordan "SamboStrength" Cooper 264lbs#4928 (9-9)
Cristoforo Cruz 200lbs#5042 (0-3)
Dave Fournier 188lbs#5110 (1-2)
Walter Bryant 264lbs#5196 (1-2)
Mauricio Garza 200lbs#5205 (4-7)
Luis "Llama" Garza 197lbs#5247 (17-21)
Orlando McDonald 174lbs#5268 (1-3)
Marcus "The Loser" Spencer 185lbs#5284 (14-19)
Emile Lambert 172lbs#5294 (3-3)
Jared Colon 202lbs#5344 (1-1)
Angus Nash 160lbs#5376 (1-3)
Cole Roberts 200lbs#5377 (1-2)
Kenny Barnes 264lbs#5390 (1-4)
Luis Baker 169lbs#5395 (16-19)
Ichiro Kusonoki 197lbs#5430 (0-3)
Gerhart Reed 175lbs#5689 (0-3)
Alejito Cruz 216lbs#5750 (0-3)
Floyd Ross 171lbs#5782 (2-4)
Calvin Porier 170lbs#5799 (2-3)
Rory Twitty 275lbs#5888 (2-2)
Shawn Nelson 175lbs#5907 (0-2)
Koji Teshigahara 165lbs#5913 (2-5)
Phil Turner 231lbs#5981 (0-2)
Arman Afanasyev 179lbs#6178 (2-3)
Erasmo Araripe 266lbs#6313 (0-2)
Gabe Hughes 227lbs#6420 (1-3)
Javi Chavez 179lbs#6505 (2-4)
Andy "AP Wild" Peterson 178lbs#6514 (2-10)
Pablo Vasquez 168lbs#6587 (0-2)
Jordan Phillips 181lbs#6810 (1-3)
Buddy Rowly 238lbs#6836 (3-6)
Hade "sambo strength" Albright 207lbs#6949 (5-5)
Kennedy White 208lbs#7014 (0-1)
Murilo "reflexbraw" Gonzalez 188lbs#7072 (10-11)
Paul Green 163lbs#7076 (1-2)
Palmer Colon 261lbs#7139 (1-2)
Volody Demidov 191lbs#7168 (4-10)
Ian Michaud 192lbs#7201 (1-1)
James Nelson 173lbs#7219 (3-6)
Bif Bailey 155lbs#7220 (4-5)
Chris Jenkins 242lbs#7238 (1-2)
Evan Rowly 190lbs#7252 (1-2)
Louis Dantas 255lbs#7325 (0-2)
Ale "FeartheStache" Delgado 192lbs#7433 (7-9)
Calvin Brooks 219lbs#7449 (0-2)
Richard Twitty 169lbs#7869 (0-2)
Gavin Russell 264lbs#8199 (0-2)
Vic Torres 161lbs#8320 (0-2)
Buddy Lavoie 187lbs#8408 (29-36)
Dylan Griffin 247lbs#8423 (1-3)
Buck Barnes 213lbs#8572 (3-4)
Del Colon 264lbs#8584 (0-2)
Brad King 185lbs#8640 (0-2)
Buck Wiltsie 213lbs#8737 (0-4)
Hade "the Spade" Scott 175lbs#8838 (0-3)
Fritz Anderson 148lbs#8932 (1-4)
Rodri Torres 204lbs#8943 (0-4)
Chepito "Migrant Worker" Vargas 165lbs#8970 (7-9)
Nelson Cherry 259lbs#8979 (0-2)
Randall Patterson 263lbs#9008 (0-3)
Hideo Masaoka 193lbs#9014 (2-5)
John Bennett 265lbs#9052 (0-2)
Jones "CanKilla" Russell 146lbs#9223 (2-8)
Gaston Deschamps 204lbs#9413 (2-5)
Soledad Vazquez 159lbs#9417 (2-4)
Buddy Twitty 261lbs#9440 (1-4)
Rory Lewis 165lbs#9569 (0-2)
Caleb Taylor 269lbs#10381 (0-3)
Richard Green 230lbs#10421 (2-3)
Suso "the Losa" Martinez 167lbs#10626 (0-2)
Sam Mitchell 168lbs#10662 (1-3)
Zack "King Kong" Kelly 150lbs#10682 (3-10)
Christoper Torres 159lbs#10882 (0-2)
Dan Brooks 162lbs#10911 (0-5)
Grigor "wrestler" Zhukov 194lbs#10917 (0-2)
Marvin "Col" Sanders 146lbs#10994 (2-5)
Jake "No Wrong" Long 160lbs#11085 (0-2)
Rob Scott 181lbs#11153 (0-3)
Walt Peterson 201lbs#11253 (0-2)
Jack Adams 182lbs#11429 (2-10)
Bobby Taylor 177lbs#11613 (0-4)
Aaron Torres 182lbs#11636 (0-2)
Ian Powell 260lbs#11836 (0-3)
Remedios Diaz 189lbs#12262 (0-2)
Cliff Cooper 174lbs#12284 (1-7)
Dirk Walker 149lbs#12900 (0-2)
Chuck Lavoie 169lbs#13142 (0-3)
Red Cook 187lbs#13465 (0-1)
Hawk Hart 176lbs#14258 (0-1)