
Welsh Warriors Roster

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Active Roster
Boryenka "Smirnoff" Borisov 207lbs#1 (70-44)
Yerik "The Hitman" Tikhonov 268lbs#1 (46-29)
Jesstin "The Dragon" Bliven 172lbs#1 (62-28)
Cadarn "Slambo" Rhydderch 177lbs#1 (67-35)
Stewart "The Decision Maker" Johnson 253lbs#2 (35-24)
Shane "Feel the Pain" Hayes 192lbs#2 (52-32)
Elphin "The Sandman" Stephens 209lbs#2 (49-30)
Koji "The Slanty one" Ryusaki 203lbs#3 (69-41)
Evgenii "The Unit" Bogdanov 182lbs#3 (28-12)
Curt "The Leach" Lewis 275lbs#3 (43-27)
Mike "The Hurricane" Howard 204lbs#3 (46-24)
Aleksi "Dont be" Ilyin 201lbs#4 (37-12)
Antinko "The Natural" Nekrasov 279lbs#4 (28-10)
Elphin "The Comeback Kid" Picton 171lbs#4 (58-50)
Heilyn "Switchmaster" Jernigan 195lbs#5 (51-41)
Damian "The Devil" Thompson 222lbs#7 (53-33)
Derrell "Whitewash" Wiltsie 272lbs#7 (49-29)
Buzz "Lightyear" Wood 232lbs#7 (30-10)
Egor "B33RM0N5T3R" Kashin 178lbs#8 (39-28)
Michi "Tsunami" Nanami 186lbs#8 (37-18)
Roy "Bang Bang" Bailey 277lbs#8 (53-43)
Henrique "Fidel" Castro 188lbs#11 (39-24)
Dylan "Mr Newport" Belling 279lbs#11 (30-15)
Edwin "Goldielocks" Stewart 194lbs#12 (31-27)
Banning "Champ from Nowhere" Cadwallader 169lbs#12 (49-40)
Tasha "Moustacha" Kurakin 190lbs#13 (34-23)
Akio "The Tokyo Terror" Terauchi 234lbs#13 (32-15)
Eurwyn "The Buzzing" Bees 171lbs#13 (41-34)
Aaron "The Rock" Johnson 174lbs#14 (62-49)
Ayrton "Sleep Tight" Scorza 228lbs#14 (52-34)
Chris "Superman" Reed 224lbs#14 (28-11)
Nao "The Machete" Tomimoto 277lbs#16 (31-19)
Ronald "The Schlong" Long 280lbs#16 (35-32)
Ted "Our Boyyo" Bailey 258lbs#17 (32-16)
Neb "Toxic Waste" Batch 182lbs#19 (34-34)
Rube "The Lion" Ryan 277lbs#20 (31-27)
Gustavo Verga 210lbs#22 (38-18)
Padrig Reese 194lbs#23 (20-11)
Yura "The Composer" Tchaikovsky 191lbs#24 (21-19)
Edryd Davies 158lbs#24 (25-16)
Rhydwyn Batch 156lbs#26 (32-26)
Bubba McDonald 209lbs#27 (27-26)
Gavin Donoghue 229lbs#27 (32-23)
Gaenor "The Cutter" Jernigan 170lbs#27 (27-22)
Daiki "Chop Sticks" Matsushina 167lbs#28 (51-40)
Randy "Frenchy" St-Pierre 173lbs#29 (33-16)
Anatolii "The Duurttty" Slutsky 174lbs#29 (48-33)
Tyler White 208lbs#31 (34-28)
Willow Cadle 133lbs#31 (52-29)
Tra "nsvestite" James 180lbs#32 (30-16)
Kalib "Popped her" Cherry 175lbs#32 (45-37)
James Simmons 232lbs#33 (16-4)
Boryenka "Green Eyed Monster" Davydov 262lbs#34 (45-27)
Hanne Wagner 175lbs#34 (27-16)
Ennio "Alta" Rego 192lbs#35 (29-29)
Bowen Trow 174lbs#35 (42-23)
Lew Bainum 159lbs#35 (35-23)
Grant Johnson 225lbs#36 (22-12)
Noah Murphy 276lbs#37 (33-18)
Rudy "The Baron" Caron 275lbs#37 (28-22)
Josh "HW" Harris 262lbs#39 (41-36)
Berwin Binion 256lbs#39 (35-24)
Lillie Vaughn 137lbs#39 (33-16)
Madawg Sayer 141lbs#39 (27-23)
Randy "Dog" Jackson 226lbs#40 (38-25)
Hiroki Noguchi 278lbs#40 (18-11)
Banys Swancott 273lbs#41 (20-17)
Luther "Loopy" Lange 179lbs#42 (20-11)
Lewellyn Jones 207lbs#42 (37-30)
Zhenechka "The Ruski" Tikhomirov 277lbs#43 (47-27)
Shelton "Candyfloss" Ross 189lbs#44 (47-47)
Charlie Davis 267lbs#44 (17-7)
Lance "Disco Bob" Murphy 258lbs#45 (31-17)
Nye "31st December" Evans 160lbs#45 (36-30)
Edryd Treharne 193lbs#45 (28-10)
Shawn "The Shark" Stewart 272lbs#47 (30-20)
Kentigern Patterson 276lbs#49 (28-31)
Arminio "MW" Campos 206lbs#50 (33-26)
Bearnas Davis 129lbs#51 (19-10)
Aki "Shakey" Shimon 222lbs#53 (19-4)
Jan "Bloody" Nuckols 184lbs#53 (31-16)
Rene "The Real Deal" Oliveira 272lbs#54 (36-23)
Will "I AM" Griffin 191lbs#55 (56-38)
Norm "LHW" Powell 210lbs#55 (46-35)
Haydn Williams 259lbs#55 (10-3)
Ted "Is Not" White 276lbs#56 (51-35)
Rodrigo "Storm" Satinho 164lbs#57 (42-32)
Ian "Michael" Jackson 218lbs#57 (55-44)
Filip Smirnov 205lbs#57 (29-20)
Matthew Popham 271lbs#59 (36-33)
Nobu Gakusha 208lbs#61 (17-12)
Rhydwyn "Robocop" Weaver 209lbs#61 (42-37)
Chase "The Ace" Davis 262lbs#62 (33-29)
Jean "LW" Nelson 156lbs#63 (20-11)
Eiddoel Howell 161lbs#63 (23-14)
Boris "The Bear" Nikolayev 187lbs#64 (23-12)
Curley Barnes 153lbs#65 (36-30)
Haydon "Zero Cut" Bennion 170lbs#65 (30-19)
Adrik "The Emperor" Polyakov 177lbs#66 (26-11)
Rudy "Regular" Rogers 265lbs#67 (43-44)
Jordan "The Incubator" Rogers 271lbs#68 (28-22)
Liam "The New Era" Clery 208lbs#68 (56-48)
Iddawg "The Slamming Machine" Sheldon 158lbs#68 (51-49)
Earwine Turner 156lbs#68 (25-15)
Viktor "WW" Prokhorov 184lbs#69 (27-34)
Jacob Macclellan 173lbs#69 (15-11)
Rommel "Wash and" Go 185lbs#70 (42-36)
Kenta "MMArtist" Morinaga 186lbs#72 (20-10)
Ilya Uspensky 206lbs#72 (27-16)
Barry "Jock" Anderson 186lbs#73 (42-29)
Clive Hayes 220lbs#74 (23-14)
Tarcisio Oliveira 164lbs#76 (23-14)
Jephthah "The Bulldozer" Mendoza 175lbs#77 (16-10)
Brian "The Hitman" Hughes 273lbs#78 (58-62)
Gennadi Leontyev 271lbs#78 (18-11)
Vaddon Tucker 261lbs#78 (36-36)
Julio "Iglesias" Salles 279lbs#80 (35-27)
Yaremka "On the Limit" Ryzkhov 160lbs#83 (49-40)
Tanguy "Mr Elbow" Jones 173lbs#85 (43-35)
Claus "Hassel" Hoffmann 207lbs#86 (23-13)
JC "B" Collins 178lbs#88 (59-42)
Kurt "The Walkover" Roberts 265lbs#89 (49-38)
Danya "The Grape" Vinogradov 172lbs#92 (35-29)
Rhys "The Moobinator" Floyd 272lbs#93 (29-21)
Lex "Luger" Rogers 258lbs#94 (44-26)
Aelhaeran Evans 277lbs#94 (18-15)
Nerth Argall 271lbs#94 (21-14)
Bif Lewis 206lbs#96 (21-14)
Owen Anderson 187lbs#97 (27-18)
Tostig "Xavier" Bowen 176lbs#97 (10-10)
Haruo Kawasie 198lbs#101 (33-22)
Kenichi "Smother" Handa 271lbs#102 (48-37)
Vaughan "The Naughty Elf" Whittal 250lbs#103 (17-14)
Wayne "J Lo" Jones 260lbs#104 (20-7)
Moriz Slutsky 174lbs#104 (25-18)
Waljan "Xabi" Jernigan 169lbs#104 (34-28)
Charlie "Da Wrestler" Stewart 263lbs#105 (38-28)
Garanwyn "Killa" Watts 170lbs#105 (22-15)
Bull Collins 166lbs#108 (45-32)
Jean "Savage" Morgan 275lbs#110 (32-23)
Gaenor "The Snowman" Yorath 195lbs#112 (28-22)
Al "Slam it Out" Smith 172lbs#115 (23-28)
Ali Demirci 170lbs#116 (38-27)
Cru "Cut" Patterson 225lbs#117 (49-32)
Moriz Volkov 217lbs#117 (28-33)
Assis Souza 276lbs#117 (21-11)
Mamoru "Slam Man" Okanao 193lbs#118 (9-7)
Mia Vaughn 127lbs#118 (38-59)
Lenny Griffin 280lbs#118 (17-10)
Caleb "The Saviour" Hayes 258lbs#119 (26-30)
Joey Colon 169lbs#119 (24-21)
Beaddan Llewellyn 267lbs#119 (23-15)
Emlyn "The Rhino" Rhydderch 150lbs#121 (35-40)
Caddock "The Titan" Tittensor 189lbs#122 (19-18)
Emily Wilding 119lbs#122 (31-32)
Rudy "Logo Hunter" Mitchell 169lbs#124 (35-29)
Joey "The Snowman" Williams 272lbs#124 (23-19)
Len "Solid" Wood 179lbs#125 (57-50)
Angwyn Perkins 184lbs#125 (34-26)
Dean Coughlin 186lbs#125 (23-28)
Diego Mendoza 274lbs#127 (17-13)
Ben "The Servant" Butler 185lbs#128 (39-29)
Cheslav "Tap or Snap" Yershov 263lbs#129 (32-18)
Miguel "White Panther" Montenegro 224lbs#130 (23-17)
Crosley Peixoto 183lbs#132 (22-21)
Abydos Cadle 185lbs#132 (29-29)
Lasar "The Terror" Pera 170lbs#134 (44-35)
Kennedy Wilson 265lbs#134 (23-20)
Ernest "Overdrive" Adams 185lbs#135 (19-13)
Hack Carter 188lbs#137 (14-6)
Karl "Rolf Harris" Wiltsie 188lbs#145 (53-43)
Kei Williams 146lbs#145 (26-22)
Georgia Banes 115lbs#147 (15-12)
Rube "Mr Wrestlefest" Young 194lbs#148 (12-4)
Jason Bryant 198lbs#148 (17-11)
Geraint Argall 163lbs#150 (13-8)
Cael "Hugoton" Hughes 164lbs#151 (35-25)
Rocky "Balboa" Murphy 180lbs#152 (40-39)
Pedr Ellis 270lbs#152 (22-21)
Guto "The Friendly" Fraga 179lbs#154 (39-26)
Billy "Baddadan" Bailey 264lbs#154 (36-36)
Bryan Roberts 275lbs#156 (26-22)
Cesar "Da Beastio" Benecio 235lbs#157 (34-30)
Ustin "The Gladiator" Gusev 272lbs#159 (33-25)
Raymond Bailey 264lbs#162 (14-8)
Hawk "Master of None" Hayes 182lbs#165 (38-37)
Jun "Brawl 4 it all" Nataga 160lbs#166 (51-47)
Geraint Wild 276lbs#166 (22-17)
Hiroaki Hasekura 188lbs#167 (33-34)
Niko "Blackhole Boy" Grgic 163lbs#167 (26-23)
Heath "Tank " Couture 179lbs#169 (40-31)
Naum Yusupov 201lbs#169 (25-23)
Stewart "Silver Spoon" Edwards 176lbs#171 (30-30)
Daniel Rafferty 191lbs#171 (39-36)
Evan Conroy 163lbs#175 (10-4)
Julia "Miss Slambo" Rhydderch 125lbs#177 (30-33)
Daniel Ryan 174lbs#178 (15-10)
Dusty "Rhodes" Ryan 198lbs#180 (42-31)
Eddie "Cant Cut Shit" Lee 207lbs#180 (21-16)
Gordon "The Haymaker" Johnson 212lbs#184 (28-23)
Jackson "The Kid" Jenkins 251lbs#184 (48-49)
Francis Gonzalez 267lbs#185 (24-24)
Reece Bowens 253lbs#186 (16-14)
Oscar "Samba" Carvalho 186lbs#187 (49-38)
Rhydderch "Right Hand Man" Perkins 234lbs#187 (38-26)
Curley "S4TF" Peterson 194lbs#190 (13-7)
Mario Requiao 201lbs#191 (35-37)
Ian Cooper 210lbs#192 (28-21)
Boris Prokhorov 258lbs#197 (31-21)
Pedr Bloyd 271lbs#197 (16-9)
Ren Bowen 206lbs#197 (23-23)
Owen Kendrick 269lbs#199 (42-41)
Jov "The Cobra" Kobrin 176lbs#204 (50-54)
Vova Kalashnik 156lbs#204 (43-38)
Rhydderch Whittal 166lbs#205 (18-14)
Peter "Ortiz" Hamilton 261lbs#210 (49-46)
Garnoc Vaughn 158lbs#211 (21-14)
James "The Undertaker" Hayes 264lbs#212 (37-28)
Conor Moynihan 195lbs#212 (26-23)
Rusty "The Rogue" Morgan 268lbs#218 (53-52)
Duke "Don" King 276lbs#218 (34-34)
Henry "Nasty" Nash 181lbs#219 (23-15)
Aleksandr "Hip Toss" Ulyanov 163lbs#224 (33-29)
Vychan "The Viking" Lewis 188lbs#230 (29-23)
Iago "Clubber Lang" Thomas 211lbs#231 (44-48)
Ethan Malley 165lbs#232 (15-11)
Gustavo "The Poisoned Dwarf" Teixeira 156lbs#233 (33-26)
Gethin Kendrick 278lbs#234 (25-19)
Huntly "Double H" Hunter 146lbs#237 (42-36)
Vychan "The Viking" Buell 264lbs#239 (25-29)
Malcolm "M and M" Martin 193lbs#241 (37-29)
Mike "Hands of Steel" Collins 193lbs#246 (35-31)
BJ "Hulkster" Twitty 274lbs#246 (41-47)
Roberto Ramirez 145lbs#247 (5-3)
Kenichi "Red Dragon" Takemago 270lbs#248 (21-17)
Callum Butler 269lbs#248 (27-21)
Erik "Jack of all Trades" Williams 163lbs#249 (25-19)
Lance "Corporal" Griffin 212lbs#250 (34-25)
Joey "The Violet" Sherk 274lbs#253 (18-17)
Nerthach Argall 279lbs#254 (18-16)
Isamu "Im Gonna" Fukuzawa 192lbs#257 (18-13)
Tim "Forrest" Griffin 192lbs#259 (40-27)
Gabe "The Babe" Nash 172lbs#259 (10-7)
Eurwyn Weal 269lbs#260 (7-1)
Vanyusha Maslov 277lbs#262 (32-34)
Cassidy Turner 194lbs#262 (5-4)
Dusty "The Cauliflower" Cherry 171lbs#273 (12-7)
Bob Long 172lbs#274 (26-22)
Mac "Chubby Destroyer" Baker 263lbs#275 (30-19)
Hade "The Craftsman" McConomy 271lbs#276 (50-43)
Alexandre Lacaz 175lbs#276 (22-18)
Doc "Holiday" Williams 223lbs#281 (9-6)
Anarawad Lloyd 146lbs#282 (14-14)
Sayers Bloyd 185lbs#282 (24-34)
Hector "Semtex" Semler 207lbs#287 (43-31)
Fferyll Morgan 137lbs#288 (17-13)
Ryo "Mr Logo" Kuwabara 158lbs#294 (34-26)
Fionn "The Firestarter" MacAuliffe 211lbs#296 (24-21)
Fumio "The Jabroni" Saromi 160lbs#299 (10-11)
Elvi "S Presley" Lewis 215lbs#302 (15-25)
Sayer Wilding 172lbs#304 (25-16)
Aberthol Lewis 229lbs#304 (19-22)
Min Pyay 157lbs#304 (19-18)
Kohaku Sanjo 221lbs#305 (5-3)
"Miss" Scarlett Rhydderch 125lbs#307 (30-29)
Rob "El Supremo" Mitchell 191lbs#312 (21-18)
Eiddoel Baines 157lbs#312 (22-15)
Achlad Roberts 138lbs#312 (14-9)
Frankie "Mayhem" Miller 221lbs#316 (11-5)
Aki "Hogan" Fuse 209lbs#321 (38-36)
Keiichi "Mad Monk" Eto 218lbs#322 (29-20)
Brice Turner 163lbs#323 (19-22)
Yves "Lavigne" Lewis 207lbs#324 (21-20)
Dai Bliven 166lbs#325 (30-24)
Roger "The Dodger" Jodoin 194lbs#327 (44-43)
Emrys Weaver 253lbs#332 (16-16)
Jules "Mo Ali" Charpentier 192lbs#338 (30-26)
Lucas "Rambo" Rogers 203lbs#339 (51-42)
Gage King 278lbs#339 (28-26)
Iddawg Bennion 272lbs#339 (21-16)
Bart King 209lbs#341 (21-16)
Parry Cecil 221lbs#342 (35-27)
Pat "The Experiment" Collins 276lbs#346 (37-31)
Frankie "The Answer" Askham 194lbs#346 (48-45)
Fferyll Picton 178lbs#347 (8-7)
Lawerence "Lethal Legs" Lundy 261lbs#354 (36-29)
Kohaku Kumasaka 210lbs#355 (2-0)
Kurt Morgan 200lbs#356 (24-19)
Haydon Batch 246lbs#359 (5-9)
Aberthol Tudor 191lbs#363 (21-20)
Paulo "El Groucho" Silva 207lbs#364 (38-29)
Rokuro Shunsen 150lbs#366 (17-13)
Jack Whelan 233lbs#366 (24-20)
Jeff Sia 153lbs#370 (7-2)
Roberto "Midget" Satinho 150lbs#385 (53-53)
AJ "The Exile" Hall 206lbs#385 (24-19)
Dawe Crewe 256lbs#388 (13-15)
Cliff "Bruvver Phil" Long 213lbs#391 (19-18)
Bull "Cages Hunter" Scott 153lbs#396 (22-19)
Koichi Nonomura 172lbs#399 (26-18)
Evan "Cant Cut Shit" Bees 207lbs#403 (27-22)
Pedr Bainum 178lbs#404 (10-10)
Anarawad "Mr Decision" Watkins 195lbs#405 (18-18)
Petya "Wants a Passport" Yudin 278lbs#407 (19-14)
Race "The Ace" Perry 186lbs#408 (8-7)
Emlyn Pryce 225lbs#412 (24-28)
Ilya "Sargeant" Frenkel 194lbs#413 (25-22)
Bernard "Frogger" Lacroix 204lbs#421 (36-29)
Reese Cadwallader 178lbs#421 (19-19)
Padrig Floyd 201lbs#429 (25-19)
Donal "Da Gorilla" Killough 159lbs#430 (17-18)
Andy "Up the Dirt Box" Griffin 191lbs#431 (31-23)
Ysgawyn Pritchard 202lbs#436 (12-16)
Tamryn "Super Sub" Gorbatov 234lbs#441 (9-7)
Ysberin Williams 209lbs#443 (22-21)
Rocky Harris 223lbs#446 (5-3)
Eoin Nolan 195lbs#452 (38-37)
Iau Baines 191lbs#452 (29-22)
Rhydwyn Picton 211lbs#452 (20-25)
Earl "The Pearl" Robinson 174lbs#460 (27-26)
Iddig Tudor 205lbs#461 (7-7)
Wmffre Wogan 214lbs#463 (4-5)
Akira "Zombie Killa" Ueshima 226lbs#465 (44-37)
Osian Watkins 156lbs#474 (6-11)
Ariel Vargas 180lbs#487 (8-5)
Rory Williams 194lbs#489 (9-8)
Kyle Conroy 278lbs#490 (28-23)
Argyll Ready 143lbs#490 (2-1)
Pany Treharne 168lbs#501 (4-1)
Keith Griffiths 153lbs#501 (3-3)
Roger "Texas Ranger" Walker 252lbs#518 (20-15)
Odgar Llewellyn 190lbs#523 (10-7)
Gillean Melville 208lbs#527 (31-29)
Hunter Taylor 154lbs#529 (18-13)
Gil "Suck my" Cox 194lbs#533 (40-37)
Brice Cadle 147lbs#538 (6-7)
Iddawg Turner 155lbs#539 (15-14)
Mark "Sensei" Stevens 187lbs#542 (35-30)
Anekwe Oni 168lbs#542 (5-2)
Angwyn Stephens 216lbs#544 (2-0)
Raymond Trask 271lbs#549 (19-17)
Dafydd Bithell 151lbs#553 (1-0)
Ifor Bainum 213lbs#554 (9-11)
Masa "Get some Nuts" Iemochi 170lbs#555 (22-15)
Wmffre Woosnam 158lbs#559 (20-16)
Liam Kelly 240lbs#563 (30-25)
JC "B" Patterson 150lbs#568 (19-18)
Geraint Parker 260lbs#578 (20-16)
Pedr Jones 179lbs#579 (21-23)
Hyun Hwang 191lbs#580 (17-11)
Arsen Boghossian 217lbs#581 (18-20)
Sanya "Da Brawler" Yusupov 198lbs#582 (32-30)
Daniel "Poison Ivy" Blevins 194lbs#589 (27-29)
Ramon "Espanoles Guerrero" Valdez 185lbs#598 (27-20)
Taffy Bliven 207lbs#601 (7-11)
Dafydd Bivin 157lbs#602 (1-2)
Garanhon Kendrick 174lbs#616 (13-15)
Iddawg Sayer 179lbs#627 (4-4)
Russ Powell 174lbs#628 (19-19)
Cory Murphy 190lbs#631 (31-31)
Sean "Shitty" Twitty 176lbs#636 (46-42)
Crosley "Strongman" Civita 151lbs#641 (49-46)
Dylan Badders 150lbs#644 (15-28)
Dillon Collins 162lbs#656 (8-5)
Yoga Susman 278lbs#667 (34-36)
Dylan "Day Dot" Sweeney 194lbs#681 (3-5)
Fionn "Captain Yellow Beard" Brennan 185lbs#682 (11-22)
Jay "Ray Gun" Roberts 171lbs#689 (68-61)
Hiro "Superstar" Sakata 271lbs#695 (59-63)
Rhydderch Watkins 165lbs#702 (13-11)
Ysgawyn Bainum 195lbs#711 (26-32)
Mabsant Arthur 208lbs#712 (17-18)
Derrick "Roadblock" Ryan 192lbs#713 (44-42)
Grant "Renegade" Rogers 182lbs#723 (28-23)
Turval Henderson 261lbs#735 (14-9)
Ben "The Hulk" Hogan 178lbs#739 (15-15)
Hank "Firestarter" Rowly 200lbs#740 (30-35)
Meilyr Perry 178lbs#762 (8-10)
Haydon Thomas 155lbs#769 (12-11)
Maurice Lee 174lbs#774 (42-41)
Osian "Bailey" Woosnam 216lbs#777 (7-9)
Brian "Marathon Man" Sherk 277lbs#785 (41-41)
Eiros Cadwallader 163lbs#794 (15-17)
Kay Wilding 164lbs#796 (31-36)
Ian Taggart 254lbs#818 (6-15)
Gawain Crewe 201lbs#821 (6-8)
Christian "Dancing Feet" Ramirez 164lbs#823 (11-15)
Gawain Hier 183lbs#846 (4-4)
Pavlusha "Crusher" Kharlamov 167lbs#848 (42-41)
Nathan Lawless 176lbs#851 (17-17)
Llew "The Welsh Dragon " Marvin 173lbs#856 (28-30)
Masaki "Tomahawk" Tanaka 175lbs#858 (17-15)
Pany "The Snatch" Batch 164lbs#865 (13-11)
Bruce "Ring That" Bell 151lbs#898 (22-21)
Kohaku "Gonna Whack U" Koga 182lbs#901 (26-30)
Conor Sweeney 264lbs#914 (16-14)
Boris "Silver Fox" Vinogradov 172lbs#917 (54-53)
Keith "King" Jodoin 228lbs#932 (61-72)
Llara Wogan 181lbs#989 (4-8)
Joseph Dolan 181lbs#1008 (10-8)
Kentigern Hendry 162lbs#1023 (8-9)
Craig "Power Loch" Ness 200lbs#1033 (5-5)
Dennis "Boom Boom" Boucher 182lbs#1040 (48-51)
Ony Gagarin 183lbs#1048 (26-24)
Sam Clery 263lbs#1052 (5-5)
Iken "Do eeet" Chekhemani 164lbs#1066 (12-15)
Tad Tucker 178lbs#1075 (4-4)
Devon "Wassup" Evans 277lbs#1084 (21-14)
Rudy "McDougal" Davis 200lbs#1088 (44-43)
Saini Taualai 189lbs#1096 (8-6)
Errol Keith 194lbs#1105 (21-24)
Elfred Bainum 193lbs#1118 (7-9)
Uchdryd Weal 182lbs#1156 (7-7)
Carlo "Nightmare" Navarette 155lbs#1166 (48-57)
Berwin Smout 147lbs#1189 (1-0)
Renfrew Bainum 159lbs#1217 (25-26)
Reece Trevor 141lbs#1236 (1-4)
Cai Floyd 177lbs#1240 (11-11)
Nathan MacAleese 173lbs#1283 (10-7)
Kai Mason 209lbs#1288 (1-6)
Jake "Samurai" Smith 201lbs#1392 (24-38)
Bryce Perkins 157lbs#1392 (2-3)
Gerwyn Swancott 159lbs#1392 (10-16)
Logan "Hot Stuff" Hall 220lbs#1412 (18-15)
Preston "The Moron" Morin 196lbs#1436 (3-4)
Logan "The Boss" Ross 209lbs#1452 (42-40)
Ysberin Bowens 200lbs#1470 (13-16)
Clyde Breckenridge 204lbs#1483 (10-13)
Alex Brennan 154lbs#1521 (4-4)
Dafydd "PTP" Bliven 215lbs#1554 (3-6)
Lleufer Roberts 217lbs#1559 (10-11)
Diego Ortiz 216lbs#1616 (17-20)
Daniel "Danger" Johnson 186lbs#1736 (24-34)
Duane Ryan 183lbs#1741 (22-21)
Abe Albright 148lbs#1809 (9-14)
James Morgan 261lbs#1811 (35-39)
Kane "Feels no Shame" Bevan 175lbs#1840 (13-16)
Tomos Picton 274lbs#1845 (3-4)
Joey Murphy 262lbs#1876 (4-8)
Imran "Khan" Kuchis 185lbs#1886 (3-8)
Kay Yates 138lbs#1909 (3-11)
Zhorah "Big Z" Zhdanov 227lbs#1914 (14-23)
Nathan Thomas 180lbs#1955 (0-4)
Louie Scott 171lbs#1999 (8-13)
William "Destroyer" Davis 190lbs#2016 (49-56)
Iddawg Pryce 164lbs#2062 (1-6)
Hade Robinson 174lbs#2144 (6-12)
Brock "The Rock" Twitty 167lbs#2236 (16-12)
Cian Fanning 203lbs#2264 (4-4)
Banys Evans 188lbs#2270 (1-7)
Lief "Head" Turner 214lbs#2281 (6-10)
Cadwallader Griffiths 177lbs#2361 (9-14)
Shawn Johnson 165lbs#2421 (9-28)
Rian Regan 207lbs#2455 (2-1)
Jeremy "King Kong" Collins 270lbs#2511 (31-34)
Vaddon Couch 176lbs#2789 (1-4)
Fionn MacNamara 148lbs#2813 (1-2)
Reece Davies 275lbs#2901 (7-19)
Garanhon Swancott 164lbs#3119 (7-10)
Gilbert "The Heat" Hayes 207lbs#3179 (9-11)
Stewart "The Jerk" Sherk 213lbs#3312 (2-5)
Luther "Tiny" Turner 179lbs#3441 (16-23)
Al "Pacino" Popham 193lbs#3457 (18-22)
Abdul Al Qahtani 212lbs#3584 (3-6)
Vincent Anderson 150lbs#3610 (1-4)
Matvey "The Snake" Lebedev 164lbs#4286 (16-26)
Lucas Reed 181lbs#4361 (2-8)
Barry "Born to Fight" Evans 197lbs#4471 (0-7)
Kenta Moto 200lbs#4507 (1-3)
Naum "Making up the Number" Zakharov 152lbs#5781 (0-3)
Denny Lewis 169lbs#5821 (0-4)
Daichi "Hitachi" Hatayama 181lbs#5909 (13-34)
Shawn "Mr Perfect" Murphy 177lbs#6468 (0-2)
Scott "Sky" Walker 273lbs#6726 (7-17)
Petya Konovalov 177lbs#7611 (0-2)
Michail Pletnyov 178lbs#7646 (0-4)