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The grand Showdown
Tournament Round 2 Match
Catchweight Bout

Lee "The Big Boss" Bryant
Forge MMA
Highest Rank: #86
Record: 47 - 24
Austin "jericho" Smith
Mica MMA
Punches in Bunches
Highest Rank: #50
Record: 68 - 55

Round 1
Smith connects with a hard jab as "The Big Boss" attempts a wide outside hook. "jericho" connects with a hard punch making Bryant bring him in to a tight clinch. Lee works to Smiths back while standing. Lee throws a couple of outside shots until Smith is able to work his way back to the clinch. "The Big Boss" executes a sweeping throw, planting "jericho" on the mat. Bryant attempts to mount, but gets a few punches from Smith for his troubles. Lee attempts to mount, but gets a few punches from "jericho" for his troubles. Bryant slides his knee across the body of Austin Smith and takes full mount. The bell signals the end of round 1.

Round 2
Smith hits a hook to the body and follows with a power straight that misses. Lee throws a few strikes allowing him to clinch with his opponent. The fighters jockey for position in the clinch. Both fighters jockeying in the clinch. Lee grabs an arm of Smith turns and dumps him over his body with a Seoi Nage. Lee drops into side control. Lee delivers knees to the body and sharp forearms to the head forcing Austin to turn over. Lee takes the back. Smith rolls to his back and turtles up. Lee releases hooks and steps off to the side and immediately hooks an arm with his leg. Lee grabs his opponents opposite arms and somersaults forward into crucifix position and applies a choke. Smith struggles and breaks free ending up on top in side control. Round 2 is finished.

Round 3
Austin tries to hyperextend the knee of Lee Bryant with a kick to the kneecap. Lee Bryant hops back to avoid it. Bryant throws a hard jab but "jericho" throws a cross right over the top rocking Bryant. Austin connects with 1-2 jab hook combo and quickly steps away. Lee hunts down his opponent and throws 2 heavy haymakers that get nothing but air. Smith grabs for a clinch but Lee grazes him with an uppercut. Smith staggers back, then surprises Lee with a powerful superman punch. Both fighters move in to strike but miss their marks. As they jockey for position in the clinch "jericho" wins the momentum battle and falls into side control on top of Bryant.Round 3 comes to a close.

Lee "The Big Boss" Bryant wins by Split Decision