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The grand Showdown
Tournament Quater-Finals
Catchweight Bout

Denny Lapointe
Forge MMA
Counter Strike
Highest Rank: #20
Record: 53 - 34
Jimarcus Howard
Mica MMA
Fast Feet
Highest Rank: #95
Record: 41 - 24

Round 1
Denny circles Howard, keeping him at bay with quick strikes. Denny gets hit with a strong punch, putting him to the mat, but he recovers just in time to give up his back. Lapointe carefully protects himself from Jimarcuss strikes. Lapointe slips out the back leading to both fighters standing up. Jimarcus Howard throws a cross that easily dodged by Denny. Jimarcus Howard lands a strong outside leg kick but is hit with a strong uppercut. Jimarcus Howard moves in to press the action, but Denny lands a heavy back kick. The bell signals the end of round 1.

Round 2
Howard lands a strong outside leg kick but is hit with a heavy counter hook. The fighters circle each other. Denny Lapointe blocks a cross, liver shot combo but is pushed backward. Howard tries to press the action but is met with a jab, cross, uppercut that puts him to on the floor. Denny kicks at the legs of Jimarcus and then asks him to stand up. The referee tells Jimarcus to stand. Howard attempts a takedown but slips, and Denny Lapointe backs away. Denny Lapointe is standing over Howard. Howard thrusts his leg into Lapointes knee while grounded. Denny Lapointe kicks at the legs of Howard and then asks him to stand up. The referee tells Howard to stand. Howard connects with a strong body shot combo. A straight powerful jab from Denny Lapointe sends Howard crashing to the mat.

Denny Lapointe wins by KO (Punch)