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TNG DB Challenge
Tournament Finals
Catchweight Bout

Jay Jay "Va Jay Jay" Gordon
Swingin Cats
Dirty Boxing
Highest Rank: #2
Record: 45 - 18
Hawk Boucher
Blame Canada
Dirty Boxing
Highest Rank: #1
Record: 53 - 31

Round 1
Jay Jay connects with a hard punch making Boucher bring him in to a tight clinch. Jay Jay Gordon maintains his dominant position in the clinch, only opening for a stiff uppercut. Jay Jay Gordon recieves a strong elbow opening up the clinch. A jab from Hawk Boucher is blocked and a cross is returned by Jay Jay Gordon. Jay Jay Gordon pressures his opponent into clinching. Hawk is jockeying for position in the clinch. Hawk Boucher receieves numerous knees to the thighs from Jay Jay Gordon. Hawk Boucher receives a couple of stiff short hooks in the clinch. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.

Round 2
Gordon connects with a hard punch making Boucher bring him in to a tight clinch. Boucher stomps the feet of Gordon. Hawk takes Jay Jays back standing. "Va Jay Jay" isolates an arm to lock a spinning kimura but Hawk lands a sharp shovel punch that forces "Va Jay Jay" to release. The fighters clinch and begin to dirty box, landing uppercuts to the body and face. Gordon gets the better of the exchange, and Hawk Boucher circles away to avoid any more damage. "Va Jay Jay" fakes a takedown attempt and clinches with Boucher. "Va Jay Jay" works Boucher into the cage from the clinch. "Va Jay Jay" presses his head under Hawk Bouchers chin so he cannot defend the piston shots from either side. Jay Jay pushes Hawk into the cage. Hawk works a whizzer and attempts to turn Jay Jay but Jay Jay illegally grabs the cage for leverage. The referee is not in postition to see it. Jay Jay grabs the plum and pulls Hawk Bouchers face towards a powerful knee which is blocked. Jay Jay releases the hold and lands an uppercut. Round 2 is over.

Round 3
Hawk Boucher throws a few strikes allowing him to clinch with his opponent. Hawk absorbs several body shots while being tied up. Hawk works "Va Jay Jay" into a corner, swimming for double underhooks. Hawk presses his head into "Va Jay Jays" chest, forcing him to the ground. "Va Jay Jay" lands a stiff elbow while on his back. Hawk Boucher uses strikes to open Jay Jay Gordons guard. Hawk Boucher stands up and waves Gordon up. Hawk connects with a combination and backs away from the counter combo of Gordon. Gordon throws a few strikes allowing him to clinch with his opponent. Boucher is jockeying for position in the clinch. "Va Jay Jay" receives a couple of stiff short hooks in the clinch. Round 3 is over.

Jay Jay "Va Jay Jay" Gordon wins by Unanimous Decision