Round 1 Alejandro Pena attempts a takedown, but cannot finish it. Julio Artigas takes advantage of the moment taking side control. Artigas slides his knee across the body of Alejandro and takes full mount. Alejandro Pena shifts his head and hips to keep Artigas off balance and unable to land strikes. Pena gives his back up trying to escape the mount. Julio works his arm around the neck of Alejandro attempting to get a tight rear naked choke but Alejandro hand fights well. Julio lays into Alejandro with some strong shots forcing Alejandro to give up mount position. The bell signals the end of round 1.
Round 2 Julio Artigas keeps Alejandro Pena at a distance with some well timed jabs. Alejandro Pena is hit with two hard punches to his face. Alejandro Pena laughs off the punches. Alejandro Pena throws a push kick. Artigas shucks it and strikes with a overhand that crashes into Alejandro Penas nose.
Pena is staggered by a jab to the chin. Julio connects with a leg kick then a hook to the side of the head. Julio Artigas executes a single leg giving him the back of Alejandro. Round 2 comes to a close.
Round 3 Both fighters trade glancing shots continuing to find their respective range. Alejandro Pena fakes a takedown attempt and clinches with Julio. Julio drops to a knee and attempts a takedown from the clinch. Alejandro sets a guillotine choke but Julio slips out at the last moment. Julio is now caught in guard. Julio Artigas takes a risk going for a leglock from being caught in Penas guard. It doesn\'t pay off as Alejandro makes his way to standing. Artigas narrowly dodges a cross from Alejandro Pena, but falls catching him in his guard. A tight body triangle from the bottom position forces Alejandro Pena to pull Julio Artigas close. Alejandro Pena is having trouble breathing in Julio Artigass guard. Julio Artigas attempts an armbar from the bottom, but Alejandro Pena slips out at the last moment. Alejandro is pulled close and is hit with a couple of strong heel strikes to the back. Round 3 is finished.