Round 1 Poncho throws a cross that easily dodged by Drake. Poncho is staggered by a jab to the chin. Drake Wright ducks under a loopy hoop, taking "Launcho" to the mat, and his back. Drake peppers Vazquez with several shots to the face. Vazquez starts to wiggle out of back control, Drake Wright lets him escape putting them both on their feet. Poncho Vazquez throws a cross that easily dodged by Drake Wright. Wright arm drags Poncho into a double leg takedown, getting half guard. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.
Round 2 Drake Wright takes a punch while shooting but executes the takedown and ends up in Vazquezs guard. Vazquez attempts an armbar. Drake time a spin perfectly landing a strong overhand as he works his way into Ponchos guard. Poncho Vazquez attempts a switch from the guard, but a scramble takes place getting both fighters to their feet. The fighters circle each other. Drake Wright throws a cross that easily dodged by Poncho. Drake stuffs a shot from Poncho and lands some powerful outside hammerfists, eventually taking side mount. Drake Wright lands a few stiff elbows from side control. "Launcho" is able to get back to full guard. The bell signals the end of round 2.
Round 3 Poncho throws a cross that easily dodged by Drake Wright. Drake Wright eats a jab,jab, then a hook from Vazquez. Vazquez is staggered by a jab to the chin. Wright unleashes a flurry of punches ending with Poncho out cold from a right hook.