
A1 Panther Fight Team

Last Online - Sunday 6th of September 2015
Display Name Matt Eskins
Member Since Jun 2, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 1413-1605


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Forast Griffen
toi tankz
2-14-2010 8:46 am EST
Just a tip don't feed your fighters to the sharks. Your putting your power lock guys against my guys with fast feet stats...
1-31-2009 8:50 pm EST
man dallas on the cover looks mean but i won haha, man you should put like grey and red foot wraps on him it'd look mean as.
Vitamin S Club
11-6-2008 2:08 pm EST
Congrats on the belts you've gotten so far!
Vitamin S Club
7-21-2008 1:02 am EST
For the bigger org belts, it's more a matter of getting a really good recruit who won't retire early.
Vitamin S Club
7-21-2008 1:01 am EST
It looks like you've got some pretty good fighters in your camp already. I think if you're interested in getting a belt, it's not too hard to get one in the lower orgs if you just stay picky about only fighting opponents you're sure you can beat. Get near the top of the ranks, and wait until the champ is someone whose styles are easy fights for your guy.
Vitamin S Club
7-21-2008 12:59 am EST
My own personal strategy was to slowly build my team up to having as many recruits as I could have and letting my guys fight as often as I could to build up money for better equipment. Once that got better, I paid more attention my my fighters and split my camp into three types of fighters: ones i'm trying to make into champs, ones I let fight anybody to get a quick buck, and fighters I don't fight and just use as sparring partners to build up individual skills. hope some of that helps!!!
7-4-2008 2:39 pm EST
almost swept my younger fighters, good round.
Sir Ryan
6-19-2008 9:39 pm EST
lol nice nicknames freak.... beware of my campo gonna be lights out in no time!!!!
6-5-2008 9:28 am EST
Switch to other styles with your fighters, so you should win some more fights.MMArtist is not the best choice.