
Top Team

Last Online - Saturday 31st of January 2009
Display Name Guyy
Member Since Jan 20, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 3296-2400


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11-3-2009 8:13 pm EST
Hey Bro, I have been off for awhile. What is the best way to get a fighter to make weight? I have a heavy HW who cant make weight.
10-1-2008 6:00 pm EST
bobby boucher
the waterboyz
9-6-2008 2:31 pm EST
thanks man...gray is a big dude and has good stats...hes got crazy potential.
bobby boucher
the waterboyz
9-5-2008 3:55 am EST
Bad news... Matt "Fat Fuckin Turd" has retired. Hes realizing his lifelong dream and has joined the professional hot dog eating circuit.
7-21-2008 5:53 am EST
no worrys. yeah, feeder camps suck.
4-23-2008 7:30 pm EST
Hey man, Atlas Harris here from the WVA WW division. We had a great fight for the title tonight, I was pleased to see you accept my challenge. I'm humbled that you destroyed me so easily. I would really appreciate another shot whenever you're ready though, if that's cool? Atlas Harris.