
clackamas top team

Last Online - Monday 11th of May 2009
Display Name jack lumsden
Member Since Mar 15, 2009
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 11-61


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MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
4-24-2009 5:08 am EST
it depends. if you've decided to use a specific style for your camp, then you could buy just the equipment for the areas that use that style. if you are still using a mix of styles in your camp, just level everything out first.
We Do Armbars
4-11-2009 6:23 am EST
No problem man, any help just ask....also tons of guys in the forums who will help you with basically anything. good luck!
We Do Armbars
4-10-2009 3:22 am EST
when i say stars i mean the 5 little boxes besides each skill set.
We Do Armbars
4-10-2009 3:21 am EST
Hey man, Check out the forums when you get a chance...Theres a link in the top left corner. As for your question about buying better equipment, All it means is your fighters will train quicker as in they will get there stars faster than they would with lesser equipment. The better the equipment the faster you'll get to 4-5 stars. Hope this helps.