
Pure And Wild

Last Online - Monday 10th of September 2018
Display Name pawclan
Member Since Apr 14, 2009
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 2406-1857


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Chits Crew
5-14-2018 6:51 pm EST
Dude our alliance needs you... hit me up please... we need coaches like you.
The Captain
The Fighting 15th
3-12-2016 6:16 pm EST
Thanks for hosting that 8pts Tournament!
12-29-2015 8:00 am EST
I gotcha. I'm in the TLCS alliance, and we are looking for active players right now. You are a good candidate to join. Figured I'd run it by you :)
12-19-2015 9:59 pm EST
Looks like you run a solid camp dude. You on the forums?
Gracie jiuNETsu
4-22-2012 10:46 pm EST
no problem, thanks for the fight. are you starting up your camp again? nice record.
4-20-2009 7:21 am EST
Welcome to MMArmy! Hope you're having fun man. Everything you need to know about the game is kinnda scattered throughout the forums. Feel free to post in the help thread if ever you have questions.