

Last Online - Tuesday 25th of May 2010
Display Name Richard The Wolf
Member Since Apr 19, 2009
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 1326-1435


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the beer man
steroid fighters
1-6-2010 11:12 am EST
how about a title shot for ramon kelly hes on a 7 fight win streak! logo heavyweight title
9-17-2009 10:56 am EST
An alliance is a basically a group of players that get their own forum section and share game srtategies, run torunaments, and participate in tournaments against other alliances. They kind of add another level to the game and can be helpful with answering game questions, getting fights, and getting to know other palyers. You seem to run a solid camp and I think you and your camp would be a find addition to the SFL. If you're interested you just need to send jbear a PM on the forums.
9-16-2009 2:37 pm EST
Hey man, looks like you've got a up and coming camp there. Have you ever thought about joining an alliance?