
Matt Hughes Sucks

Last Online - Sunday 27th of April 2008
Display Name Bush s
Member Since Jan 14, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 143-137


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Andrew R
2-7-2008 9:19 pm EST
Matt Hughes doesn't suck.
1-26-2008 3:03 pm EST
Well arent you mature respect fighter and stop being a panty waste mamas boy
J dogg
teca town
1-25-2008 12:03 pm EST
like yo mama
1-23-2008 1:20 pm EST
Matt Hughes > You a matter of fact: anyone who fights > you
The Commies
1-23-2008 8:39 am EST
another close fight.....
The Commies
1-22-2008 1:17 pm EST
Yes we should have rematch. Challenge me when your ready....