
Camp Dale

Last Online - Thursday 25th of February 2010
Display Name Camp Hard knocks
Member Since May 25, 2009
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 408-458


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11-23-2009 1:22 pm EST
The Apeman retired today...He was never the same after you slammed him out...I don't know how you can live with yourself...
11-20-2009 6:27 pm EST
Buff Bagwell! Fuck that match sucks. I'm Buff, i'm the stuff, and the girls they can't get Enough.
10-28-2009 10:31 pm EST
They love the fried foods! I'm going to cut that fat fuck who couldn't cut from 169!
10-28-2009 10:44 am EST
Im sorry man...Rudy was a beast
10-27-2009 3:19 pm EST
I'll try man. I got sent a challenge for the title and both of our guys couldn't make weight. It was a sad day for both fighters
10-26-2009 1:20 pm EST
Quit crying punk.
9-6-2009 3:28 pm EST
it took me so long to win a pankrash belt and you get it as your first! good job man
8-1-2009 3:37 pm EST
HAHAHA! isa beats you good!