
Ladykiller SFT

Last Online - Saturday 17th of November 2012
Display Name TB
Member Since Mar 1, 2011
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 692-1103


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10-17-2012 12:01 pm EST
Wenn du das kannst :D
10-11-2012 1:08 am EST
Werde deine schwule Kuschelgruppe HART zerfetzen!
10-9-2012 3:51 am EST
Doch... ich bin aus deutschland :D
10-8-2012 8:59 am EST
hey bin auch deutsch :D
10-3-2012 3:46 am EST
werde dein witzcamp planieren wie'ne pfütze dünnpadder. deine leute sind eh alle nur im fitch-style unterwegs, da kommt nix bei rum.
7-20-2011 1:20 pm EST
just admit that you, your camp and your "fighters" suck monkey fuck through a straw by not answering this message within this week.
7-15-2011 10:32 am EST
sorry, no matter how much pics of your black cock you'll send me, I won't fight you.
5-3-2011 8:22 am EST
Hey that sharky guy is a real butt pirate. Watch yours buns son.
4-6-2011 4:58 pm EST
aha.. loved that comment. Love you dude!
4-6-2011 4:58 pm EST
aha.. loved that comment. Love you dude!
3-29-2011 4:46 am EST
wow you owned me for 2 rounds then got tko's in the 3rd :) good fight. urie the fury
3-1-2011 4:48 pm EST
and after the match, you'll go to the hospital and get an IV, and I have a martini because I'm a veteran of this sport. I was doing this when the prize was going to jail, not winning belts!
3-1-2011 11:58 am EST
maybe don't know the difference between a wrist lock and a wrist watch, but I will punch you in the soul!