
All Out Attack

Last Online - Saturday 2nd of September 2017
Display Name Kamasutra
Member Since Feb 14, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 265-327


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1-19-2011 2:18 pm EST
ill tell you what, if u get a win next reset, we can definetly have a rematch. i didnt expect to win, really.-vorobyov
1-19-2011 2:14 pm EST
ok, noones fihgting here either^^ youll get the shot.
1-19-2011 2:05 pm EST
get a win before reset and we can fight right after reset...seems like no one else wants to fight me-vorobyov
1-19-2011 10:18 am EST
sounds good :D looking forward to it
1-19-2011 9:58 am EST
sry tyrone stevenson but i cant give you a shot when youre coming off a loss, get a little streak together or at least one win(btw impressive stats)-tamryn vorobyov