
Blood Furnace

Last Online - Sunday 14th of June 2009
Display Name Keef
Member Since Feb 18, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 3164-3255


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6-21-2010 6:17 pm EST
were do i fight? i'm new to mmarmy
11-28-2008 10:34 pm EST
your mom
Andre Jinkins
Jinkins MMA Academy
11-28-2008 12:02 pm EST
lol thanks only thing i could think of for a black sherk lol
11-21-2008 1:17 pm EST
10-28-2008 11:46 pm EST
ok you got jokes lol
10-25-2008 3:55 pm EST
sounds good man anytime
Chris Archangel
Pound To A Bloody Pulp
10-24-2008 11:29 am EST
Cool pic when did you get it?
10-18-2008 6:53 am EST
Yep i have a glass chin and u own it! Vernon Bell
Chris Archangel
Pound To A Bloody Pulp
10-17-2008 10:28 am EST
It is Pornstache cause it isnt a beard it is a Foo Man Choo
10-9-2008 4:24 pm EST
just some info on benshido man he ducks when he is champ go check the forums about him famous for ducking
second prodigy
9-23-2008 9:41 pm EST
8-20-2008 7:50 pm EST
7-21-2008 8:23 pm EST
I accept your challenge
6-23-2008 4:57 pm EST
How about a title shot for my guy Croyler Correia? Tks!
6-2-2008 8:37 pm EST
probably best fight i ever had on here
6-2-2008 7:53 pm EST
great war man
6-2-2008 7:52 pm EST
good fight
6-1-2008 2:36 pm EST
good fight