
josh quicksilver perrault Roster

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Active Roster
Otto Elkins 178lbs#1040 (3-7)
Tomas Vera 275lbs#1174 (10-5)
Cael "the fight pal" Lapointe 155lbs#1684 (8-6)
Justin Sherk 207lbs#1738 (2-2)
Leon Torres 274lbs#1828 (5-1)
Hans Edwards 154lbs#1866 (1-1)
Justin "bustin" Albright 277lbs#2031 (1-0)
Hawk Jodoin 220lbs#2145 (10-6)
Kit Morgan 184lbs#2190 (0-1)
Art "kart mart start fart" Wright 261lbs#2260 (6-6)
Benny "of the meny" Rogers 163lbs#2292 (1-1)
Brad Powell 162lbs#2480 (1-2)
Carl "the kick king" Nelson 192lbs#2601 (1-1)
Rube Lundy 225lbs#2889 (5-7)
Curley "cool" Long 211lbs#2895 (8-4)
Lief Moore 262lbs#2902 (1-5)
Caleb "the phantom" Jones 215lbs#2959 (2-4)
Pete "the elite" Wilson 180lbs#3098 (6-12)
Riggs Baker 171lbs#3149 (1-1)
Nico "kick ass" Ruiz 173lbs#3152 (1-10)
Stu Mitchell 176lbs#3358 (0-11)
Buster "the mean streak" Evans 172lbs#4785 (1-10)
Dante "the boss" Foster 159lbs#4980 (0-1)
Han Kirshner 254lbs#4993 (2-2)
Kerry "the choosen one" Blais 199lbs#5268 (2-8)
Morgan Clark 205lbs#5553 (3-6)
Homer St-Pierre 175lbs#5703 (1-4)
Barry Spencer 150lbs#6117 (0-6)
Ron "the robber" Roberts 196lbs#6788 (0-1)
Greg Torres 177lbs#6971 (0-7)
Al Nash 274lbs#7012 (1-2)
Kalib "the mistifire" Martin 170lbs#7384 (2-6)
Jono Abaya 219lbs#7436 (0-1)
Josh Sherk 171lbs#7452 (0-1)
Dirk Simmons 212lbs#7560 (0-2)
Abe Hayden 190lbs#7834 (1-2)
Dillon Kelly 168lbs#7876 (0-1)
Christoper "the mist " Martin 153lbs#8091 (0-14)
Walt Pelletier 228lbs#8191 (1-4)
Luke " the lock " Gosselin 187lbs#8287 (0-2)
Atlas "the bad man" Baker 208lbs#9071 (0-1)
Dennis "the other mennis" Albright 201lbs#9403 (0-1)
Reggie "THE BROWNIE" Brown 152lbs#9552 (0-1)
Devon "hammer hands" Wilson 251lbs#9829 (1-8)
Jackson "hammerhands" Baker 277lbs#10141 (3-8)
Cassidy "the flame" Edwards 228lbs#10384 (0-5)
Garret "the warrior" Porier 189lbs#10990 (2-7)
Louie "the tank" Bedard 268lbs#11822 (6-12)
Eric "rampage" Patterson 255lbs#11866 (0-2)