
Masayo Sayuki - Stats

Org    -
Popularity Regional
Camp Izuka Dojo
Record 45-42    
KO Win % 47
Sub Win % 0
Division LW Weight 154 lbs
Age 1008 Born Feb 1986
Years Pro 1044 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #63
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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Koichi Izuka
Izuka Dojo
7-4-2008 10:09 am EST
Sure. Send the challenge now, and I'll accept it the next time I'm on.
Capitao Nascimento
BOPE Top Team
7-4-2008 5:51 am EST
Nice win Can have a rematch?
Lexington North
Moonite Bunny Ranch
6-27-2008 5:04 pm EST
tittle shot for pepito el legal leopurrrrrd soto? hes #1 contenter, and were both online.
6-27-2008 10:43 am EST
Yow champ... Lil Chuck is ready for the title shot. Will be a honor. Thx.
6-26-2008 5:16 pm EST
Hi champ! How about a title shot? Peace!
6-23-2008 5:05 pm EST
Going to give Jim Ryan a shot first, since we've fought the past 2 resets. If he doesn't show, you're next in line.
6-23-2008 12:00 pm EST
You were up for a title shot, but missed your turn, sorry.
6-10-2008 5:32 pm EST
Hey I accepted the title shot with a higher ranked fighter. Send me another challenge and I'll accept tomorrow morning.
Rob Spalton
b0sH Athletics
6-5-2008 2:49 am EST
Going to accept some challeges any time soon?
6-4-2008 6:51 pm EST
Going to accept, man? I'm #1 contender.
6-4-2008 1:33 pm EST
Good fight, nice finish, thanks for the champ... -- Ivan
6-2-2008 6:59 pm EST
Gabriel Vargas would like a shot.
6-2-2008 6:46 pm EST
may i get a fight with brends tokarev please.
Chase Beebe
Tap Snap or Nap
6-2-2008 6:39 pm EST
How about that rematch now champ? -Tom Popham
6-2-2008 1:24 pm EST
may i get a fight with brends tokarev please.
Chase Beebe
Tap Snap or Nap
6-2-2008 11:56 am EST
Hey buddy good job! Think I can get a rematch tonight? -Tom Popham
5-27-2008 6:30 am EST
yeah u did.. good fight bro.
5-14-2008 8:18 pm EST
rematch.. let's do this... =)