
Jonathan Montoya - Record

Title Org Wins

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  Style Opponent Opp Style Round Type Weight Org Date
  8 Points of Contact Pancho "sonrisa" Rodriquez Arrogant Assault 1 KO (Front Flip Kick) 265 TUFF Jul 2439
  8 Points of Contact Richie "StTr" Jones 8 Points of Contact 3 Unanimous Decision 265 TUFF Jun 2439
  8 Points of Contact Alvarez Juarez Arrogant Assault 3 Split Decision 265 TUFF May 2439
  8 Points of Contact Alejandro "good guy" Vasquez High Kick Killshot 1 KO (Head Kick) 265 TUFF Apr 2439
  8 Points of Contact Henry Manning Push the Pace 1 KO (Elbow) 265 TUFF Mar 2439
  8 Points of Contact Kyle Weber Fast Feet 3 KO (Hook) 265 TUFF Feb 2439
  8 Points of Contact William Ross Counter Strike 2 TKO (Strikes) 265 TUFF Jan 2439