
Mauro Ferro - Record

Title Org Wins

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  Style Opponent Opp Style Round Type Weight Org Date
  High Kick Killshot Fflergant Vaughn Top Game Tapout 3 Split Decision 135 LotC Nov 2501
  High Kick Killshot Jay "Blazing" Green 8 Points of Contact 3 Unanimous Decision 135 LotC Oct 2501
  High Kick Killshot Gustav Teixeira Ring King 3 Split Decision 135 LotC Sep 2501
  High Kick Killshot Curt Dunn Ring King 3 Unanimous Decision 135 Shaato May 2501
  High Kick Killshot Curt Dunn Ring King 3 Unanimous Decision 135 Shaato Apr 2501
  High Kick Killshot Brett "Sandman" Dawson Lay & Pray 3 Unanimous Decision 135 Shaato Feb 2501
  High Kick Killshot Godspeed Bea Ground & Pound 3 Split Decision 135 PAN Dec 2500
  High Kick Killshot Karl "The Masturbator" Martel Punches in Bunches 3 Split Decision 135 Shaato Jul 2500
  High Kick Killshot Maurice Fournier Sprawl & Brawl 3 Unanimous Decision 135 Shaato May 2500
  High Kick Killshot Bubba "The natural" Couture Ippon 3 Unanimous Decision 135 Shaato Mar 2500
  High Kick Killshot Eugene "New Era" Byrd Ippon 3 Split Decision 135 CFF Jan 2500
  High Kick Killshot Lance Fortin Catch & Shoot 3 Split Decision 135 Shaato Dec 2499
  High Kick Killshot Jeremiah "Funky" Stevenson Ground & Pound 3 Split Decision 135 Shaato Oct 2499
  High Kick Killshot Benjamin Hughes Way of Hand & Foot 3 Split Decision 135 Shaato Aug 2499
  High Kick Killshot Tyler Young 8 Points of Contact 3 Unanimous Decision 135 CFF Jul 2499
  High Kick Killshot Godspeed Bea Ground & Pound 3 Split Decision 135 CFF Jun 2499
  High Kick Killshot Shurochka Vavilov 8 Points of Contact 3 Unanimous Decision 135 CFF May 2499
  High Kick Killshot Godspeed Bea Ground & Pound 3 Unanimous Decision 135 CFF Nov 2498
  High Kick Killshot Abe James Ground & Pound 3 Split Decision 135 CFF Aug 2498
  High Kick Killshot Mushail Stepanov Slam it Out 3 Unanimous Decision 135 LotC Jul 2498
  High Kick Killshot Jasha Pokrovsky Flying Submissions 3 Unanimous Decision 135 LotC Jun 2498
  High Kick Killshot Noah Reeves Arrogant Assault 3 Unanimous Decision 135 LotC May 2498
  High Kick Killshot Efren Isidro High Kick Killshot 3 Split Decision 135 LotC Apr 2498
  High Kick Killshot Pancho "You in da Gonads" Gomez Way of Hand & Foot 3 Split Decision 135 LotC Feb 2498
  High Kick Killshot Shamz El Amin Counter Strike 3 Split Decision 135 LotC Dec 2497
  High Kick Killshot Marcelo Guerra Swing for the Fences 3 Unanimous Decision 135 Shaato Oct 2497
  High Kick Killshot Reggie Hines Pull Guard 3 Split Decision 135 Shaato Jul 2497
  High Kick Killshot Bubba "The natural" Couture Ground & Pound 3 Split Decision 135 Shaato Apr 2497
  High Kick Killshot Hop "Skip and Jump" Duan Fast Feet 3 Unanimous Decision 135 PAN Feb 2496