
Shoichi Tsukatani - Record

Title Org Wins

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  Style Opponent Opp Style Round Type Weight Org Date
  8 Points of Contact Benedito "Con" Alves Ankle Breaker 3 Split Decision 155 UNO May 2536
  8 Points of Contact Ryushi Deushi Swing for the Fences 3 Unanimous Decision 155 UNO Apr 2536
  Swing for the Fences Ryushi Deushi Swing for the Fences 3 Split Decision 155 UNO Dec 2535
  Swing for the Fences Ivory Rogers 8 Points of Contact 1 KO (Punch) 155 LFC Oct 2535
  Sprawl & Brawl Race Jenkins Slam it Out 3 Split Decision 155 LFC May 2535
  Ring King Otto "The Mechanic" Mitchell Swing for the Fences 2 KO (Hook) 155 LFC Jan 2535
  Swing for the Fences Otto "The Mechanic" Mitchell Swing for the Fences 3 Split Decision 155 LFC Jan 2534
  Swing for the Fences Noel Torok Clock & Lock 1 KO (Punch) 155 LFC Dec 2533
  Punches in Bunches Louie Swanson High Kick Killshot 3 Split Decision 155 LFC Nov 2533