
Shunichi "Ronin " Hatoyama - Record

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  Style Opponent Opp Style Round Type Weight Org Date
  8 Points of Contact Raoul Grillparzar Ring King 3 KO (High Kick) 135 PREL Sep 2553
  8 Points of Contact Erika "BS trainer" Bartulis Counter Strike 3 Split Decision 135 PREL Jul 2553
  8 Points of Contact Chaney Dupont 8 Points of Contact 1 KO (Roundhouse) 135 PREL Jan 2553
  8 Points of Contact Ryushi Minatoya Slam it Out 1 KO (Punch) 135 UNO Oct 2552
  8 Points of Contact Tamirat "Shit House Rat" Teshale Flying Submissions 3 Split Decision 135 UNO Sep 2552
  8 Points of Contact Tamirat "Shit House Rat" Teshale Flying Submissions 2 TKO (Ref Stoppage) 135 UNO May 2552
  8 Points of Contact Ryushi Minatoya Slam it Out 1 KO (Punches) 135 PFO Mar 2552
  8 Points of Contact Anguo "Two Too" To Push the Pace 3 Split Decision 135 PFO Jan 2552
  8 Points of Contact Luiz Alencar Sway & Slay 3 Unanimous Decision 135 PFO Oct 2551
  8 Points of Contact Bolin Qin Slam it Out 3 Split Decision 135 PFO Sep 2551
  8 Points of Contact Del Hill 8 Points of Contact 3 Split Decision 135 PFO Aug 2551
  8 Points of Contact Mateo Romero Power Locks 3 Unanimous Decision 135 PFO Jun 2551
  8 Points of Contact Del Hill 8 Points of Contact 3 Unanimous Decision 135 PFO Apr 2551
  8 Points of Contact Burak "And Thats" Arap Catch & Shoot 3 Split Decision 135 PFO Mar 2551
  8 Points of Contact Curley Smith 8 Points of Contact 1 KO (Punch) 135 CG Dec 2550
  8 Points of Contact Gerhart Ross Way of Hand & Foot 3 Unanimous Decision 135 CG Nov 2550
  8 Points of Contact Bradley Weaver Punches in Bunches 3 Split Decision 135 CG Oct 2550
  8 Points of Contact Jeremiah "Too Nice" Lefebvre Punches in Bunches 3 Split Decision 135 JScrap Aug 2550
  8 Points of Contact Chuy Herrera Ring King 1 KO (Stomps) 135 JScrap Jun 2550
  8 Points of Contact Anarawad Caddell Counter Strike 3 Split Decision 135 JScrap May 2550
  8 Points of Contact Len McDaniel Punches in Bunches 3 KO (Stomps) 145 JScrap Mar 2550
  8 Points of Contact Patrick Thompson Ground & Pound 3 Split Decision 145 JScrap Feb 2550
  8 Points of Contact Butch Wright Way of Hand & Foot 3 Split Decision 145 JScrap Dec 2549
  8 Points of Contact Arnel Tuazon Ground & Pound 3 Split Decision 145 LFC Nov 2549
  8 Points of Contact Eirik "Karate" Vilhjalmsson Run & Gun 3 Split Decision 145 LFC Oct 2549
  8 Points of Contact Alexander Miranda High Kick Killshot 3 Unanimous Decision 145 LFC Aug 2549
  8 Points of Contact Ifeanyi Diya Counter Strike 2 KO (Stomps) 145 PFO Jul 2549
  8 Points of Contact Edwin Jones High Kick Killshot 3 KO (Uppercut) 145 PFO Jun 2549
  8 Points of Contact Jacob Long Power Locks 1 Submission (Armbar) 145 PFO May 2549
  8 Points of Contact Callum Nolan Punches in Bunches 3 Split Decision 145 PFO Apr 2549
  8 Points of Contact Mohamed "bal" Karimi Punches in Bunches 3 Split Decision 145 PFO Mar 2549
  8 Points of Contact Eddie "Rough Rider" Brewer Way of Hand & Foot 2 KO (Hook) 145 PFO Dec 2548
  Sprawl & Brawl Vic Manning Lay & Pray 1 KO (Hook) 145 PFO Nov 2548
  8 Points of Contact Vic Hayes Arrogant Assault 3 Split Decision 145 CG Sep 2548
  8 Points of Contact Angelo Ochoa Counter Strike 5 Unanimous Decision 145 CG Aug 2548
  8 Points of Contact Vic Hayes Arrogant Assault 3 Split Decision 145 CG Jul 2548
  8 Points of Contact Boris Albert Counter Strike 3 Split Decision 145 PFO Jun 2548
  8 Points of Contact Jacob Long Power Locks 3 Split Decision 145 LFC May 2548
  8 Points of Contact Damarco "Dire" Wolfe Lay & Pray 5 Unanimous Decision 145 LFC Apr 2548
  8 Points of Contact Daniel Varga Flying Submissions 2 TKO (Ref Stoppage) 145 LFC Mar 2548
  8 Points of Contact Primo Vazquez Way of Hand & Foot 3 Split Decision 145 LFC Feb 2548
  8 Points of Contact Brad "The Leprechaun" Ray Run & Gun 3 Split Decision 145 LFC Jan 2548
  8 Points of Contact Glen Green Catch & Shoot 3 Split Decision 145 LFC Oct 2547
  8 Points of Contact Valentin Claeys Punches in Bunches 3 Split Decision 145 CG Jan 2547