
Silvia Carvalho - Record

Title Org Wins

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  Style Opponent Opp Style Round Type Weight Org Date
  8 Points of Contact Kichiro "The Dog Whisperer" Kaibara 8 Points of Contact 1 TKO (Ref Stoppage) 155 NatF Oct 2029
  Ground & Pound Selton "of swat" Babenco Sprawl & Brawl 3 Unanimous Decision 155 NatF Sep 2029
  Ground & Pound Michi "Sweet Feet" Miyazawa Pull Guard 1 KO (Punches) 155 NatF Aug 2029
  Power Locks Wes Carter 8 Points of Contact 3 KO (Punch) 155 NatF Jul 2029