
Chance Patterson - Record

Title Org Wins

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  Style Opponent Opp Style Round Type Weight Org Date
  Ground & Pound Evandro "Nopalito" Rego 8 Points of Contact 2 KO (Stomps) 185 NatF Mar 2044
  Ground & Pound Javito "Texas Crazy Horse" Flores Ground & Pound 2 Submission (Rear Naked Choke) 185 WVA Jul 2043
  Ground & Pound Andrew "Sin" Henderson 8 Points of Contact 3 Split Decision 185 WVA Jun 2043
  Ground & Pound Billy Sanders Counter Strike 1 KO (Stomps) 185 WVA Feb 2043
  Ground & Pound Dusty Lapointe Ground & Pound 1 Submission (Strikes) 185 WVA Nov 2042