
Otto Thomas - Record

Title Org Wins

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  Style Opponent Opp Style Round Type Weight Org Date
  8 Points of Contact Hans Taylor MMArtist 2 KO (Punch) 170 GEC Oct 2117
  8 Points of Contact Luke "Burger" McDonald Slam it Out 2 TKO (Hammerfists) 170 GEC Sep 2117
  8 Points of Contact Keith "The Giant Killer" Jones Pull Guard 3 Split Decision 170 GEC Aug 2117
  8 Points of Contact Luke "Burger" McDonald Slam it Out 3 KO (Punch) 170 GEC Jul 2117
  8 Points of Contact JC Parker 8 Points of Contact 2 KO (Punch) 170 NatF May 2117
  8 Points of Contact Salva Rodriguez Swing for the Fences 3 Split Decision 170 NatF Apr 2117
  8 Points of Contact Shane "Hammerfist" Stevens Swing for the Fences 3 Split Decision 170 FG Mar 2117