
John "MINI Wand" Nash - Record

Title Org Wins

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  Style Opponent Opp Style Round Type Weight Org Date
  8 Points of Contact Egor "Whohitsu Merc" Frenkel 8 Points of Contact 3 Split Decision 155 Addiction Sep 2255
  Swing for the Fences Vadim Saltykov Power Locks 2 KO (Punch) 155 Addiction May 2255
  8 Points of Contact Jasha Medvedev Chop Down 3 Split Decision 155 Addiction Apr 2255
  8 Points of Contact Mason "Death Toll" Torres Ground & Pound 2 KO (Stomps) 155 PREL Aug 2253
  8 Points of Contact Robbie Cooper High Kick Killshot 3 TKO (Ref Stoppage) 155 PREL Jun 2253
  8 Points of Contact Troy Parent Swing for the Fences 2 KO (Stomps) 155 PREL Feb 2253
  8 Points of Contact Stewart Hayes 8 Points of Contact 3 Split Decision 155 PREL Jan 2253
  8 Points of Contact Troy Parent Swing for the Fences 1 TKO (Ref Stoppage) 155 PREL Nov 2252
  8 Points of Contact Brad "Wrestlemania" Russell Lay & Pray 3 Unanimous Decision 155 PREL Oct 2252
  8 Points of Contact Manolo Rodriquez Dirty Boxing 2 KO (Uppercut) 155 PREL May 2252
  8 Points of Contact Red "Red Parent" Parent Fast Feet 2 KO (Roundhouse) 155 PAN Oct 2251
  Ground & Pound Dirk Baumgartner Flying Submissions 1 TKO (Ref Stoppage) 155 PAN Sep 2251
  8 Points of Contact Gerhart Jones Power Locks 2 Submission (Guillotine Choke) 155 PAN Apr 2251
  8 Points of Contact Benny Moore Punches in Bunches 1 KO (Hook) 155 PAN Mar 2251
  8 Points of Contact Gerhart Jones Power Locks 1 TKO (Ref Stoppage) 155 PAN Feb 2251
  8 Points of Contact Kerry "The Shit Slugger" Bryant High Kick Killshot 3 Split Decision 155 PAN Nov 2250
  8 Points of Contact Tyson "Brooooootal" Campbell 8 Points of Contact 1 KO (Punch) 155 PAN Sep 2250