Round 1 Alexeyev moves in to press the action, but Vas lands a heavy back kick. Pokrovsky is staggered by a jab to the chin. The fighters circle each other. Ioakim lands a hook to the body then a straight cross to the sternum. Vas Pokrovsky loses his balance from a well timed strike, and is awkwardly taken down by Alexeyev for the mistake. Alexeyev has side control. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.
Round 2 After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Alexeyev lands a powerful uppercut in the clinch. Alexeyev escapes the clinch and creates some distance. Vas eats a stiff kick to the face. Vas lands a strong outside leg kick that buckles Alexeyev. Vas then switch kicks Alexeyev on the opposing rib. The fighters circle each other. Round 2 is finished.
Round 3 A left high kick from Ioakim keeps Vas at bay. Alexeyev snaps back the head of Pokrovsky with a stiff jab. Vas lands a strong outside leg kick and follows it up with a jab-cross combo. Ioakim lands a left hook, only to follow up with a strong kick to the ribs. Vas takes a heavy kick to the arm attempting to block his head. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.